Why Do Employees Want A Hybrid Workplace?

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Employees being able to select where and when they work, the hybrid workplace model mixes remote and on-site personnel. Office time can be scheduled according to days, teams, or as needed. To achieve the best levels of productivity and engagement, Gartner predicts that “where and when work is done will be driven by what makes the most sense.”

The hybrid workplace model represents work’s future, flexible, resilient workplaces; it is not a transient or a stop-gap model. Employees can develop meaningful relationships thanks to a hybrid workplace model. They can go to the office for a day to socialize and relationship-building when they yearn for connection with coworkers. They can choose to work remotely a couple of days a week.

The value of hybrid work

We are aware that workers value mixed work. According to a survey done with Wakefield Research, over half of the workers (47%) say they’d probably look for another job if their current employer didn’t provide a flexible working arrangement.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that 77 percent of businesses have already chosen to become hybrid, according to data from our most recent April 2022 poll. Furthermore, 56% of those businesses allow employees to decide how often and when to come to the office.

Why do workers prefer a hybrid workplace?

To pinpoint the precise reasons why workers are asking for a mixed work strategy, we studied the collection of existing research. Let’s analyze the benefits of hybrid employment for both employers and employees.

  • Better work and personal life balance:

An accommodating work environment makes it simpler to maintain equilibrium. Employees can find more time to handle issues that arise in their personal life when they have greater control over their work schedules, whether running errands, picking up children from daycare, or being home for deliveries.

  • Hire talent throughout the world:

Increase the range of young talent by hiring personnel from around the world using a hybrid work model. Hiring employees with specialized expertise is possible when you have access to a larger talent pool. This could provide your business a competitive edge, enable you to enter new markets, and guarantee continuous production.

  • Reduce your risk of getting sick:

Some people have been hesitant to enter crowded areas over the past two years. When it comes to returning to work, 87% of workers reported that they are concerned about their health and safety last year.

Fewer people are working in hybrid environments at once. This lessens the possibility of a sick employee spreading an infection. A sick employee can also stay at home entirely to safeguard their coworkers because most hybrid work models allow people to work remotely.

As workplaces open up, businesses are now imposing policies for the security of their personnel. This could include criteria for employees and visitors entering the workplace, such as health exams or confirmation of immunization.

  • Reduce your real estate costs:

Fewer individuals are on-site at any given moment in a hybrid work-from-home environment. This can require real estate downsizing for some businesses. At the absolute least, hybrid working will assist you in determining the amount of office space required to accommodate your staff.

By evaluating your hybrid workplace approach, you can cut your real estate costs by 30%. This enables you to reinvest those cost savings in other areas, such as giving employees more work options in the form of satellite offices and more compact coworking spaces.

  • Productivity:

Everyone needs a particular work environment to perform at their best, and those requirements could alter every day. For instance, some tasks may call for tight collaboration among staff, which is more efficient in person. On other days, a person could enjoy working from home.

Employees that work in hybrid offices can select the setting they prefer to be in on a given day. One might decide to work in an office, for instance, if they require:

  • Connection:

Everyone had to work alone for the past year and had little chance to interact with their coworkers naturally, whether over lunch discussing their favorite television series or over a cup of coffee from the office kitchen while discussing their weekend plans. As a result, plenty of people are ready to mend their bonds with coworkers. In fact, according to our Workforce Sentiment Survey[1] , 62% of employees who had returned to the office reported that meeting up with old friends was the best part of coming back.

Spending time with loved ones at home is crucial to cultivating work relationships. According to studies, having a supportive social network of friends and family can significantly impact one’s stress, happiness, and general welfare. However, it may be difficult to maintain this balance if a worker commutes to and from work every day.

To meet the needs of your employees, consider a hybrid office policy

The hybrid workplace model is something that employees want for various reasons. Make sure to first comprehend the requirements of your workforce before selecting the greatest strategy for your company. A hybrid work strategy will be a fantastic fit for your company if they list flexibility, productivity, and relationship building as their top goals.


The hybrid model may dominate future workplace arrangements for many firms. Consider what will work best for the particular conditions and people in your organization now that you have a better understanding of some advantages and disadvantages.

Visit WorkInSync right now for more information. It is a leading hybrid workplace solution that enables businesses to design the future workplace. Our objective is to assist organizations in establishing a hybrid workplace.

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