How to write an essay fast

By: Muhammad Fathi Azzam

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As a student or lecturer, of course, you are already familiar with the name essay. An essay is a prose essay that discusses a problem in passing from the author’s personal point of view. Essay writers are called essayists. Essays as a form of essay can be informal and formal. Next, we will discuss how to write a practical essay without the hassle. No need to worry and be confused, we will discuss how to write an essay through practical steps. In general, there are seven practical steps to writing an easy-to-practice essay. How to make an essay will guide us in order to produce an interesting essay. What are they? As follows.

Determine the Topic

When you want to write an essay, one thing to consider first is to determine the topic. A good essay is an essay that has a specific topic. To be interesting, choose an interesting essay topic.

Prepare Outline

In writing an essay, an outline helps to provide an overview that includes the specific points of the topic you want to describe.

Collect materials

From the outline that has been made as a guide for writing essays, we can start collecting material to outline the points in the outline. Choose material that is relevant and supports one main idea of ​​the essay. Make sure that the selected material can strengthen the character of the essay. It would be nice if the essay is equipped with factual data to support the argument.

Describe the contents

After getting the material according to the outline, the next way to make an essay is to outline the main points. Describe each point that you want to describe according to the outline concept. Make sure that each paragraph should have one clear main topic to describe.

Write an Introduction

After the idea or content of the essay is written, then we can write the introduction. Writing an introduction in an essay should be done after we have finished describing the contents of the paragraph, not the other way around.

Write Conclusion

After the content and introduction are written, the last can be written about the conclusion of the essay. The conclusion of the essay can be written last.

Reread and Finish

If all parts of the essay have been written. Don’t forget to do self-editing. Self-editing is done by carefully rereading the entire essay from beginning to end. Pay attention to every word, sentence and paragraph. Observe and understand whether the writing is coherent, complete and easy to understand.


This is a review of easy tricks for writing essays. In conclusion, writing an essay is not as difficult as imagined, right? Understanding the five points above, we believe you can write essays more easily. Now is your time to write, good luck!

By: Muhammad Fathi Azzam

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