How to Write an Essay Quickly

By: Yasmin Umari

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In general, an essay is a writing that discusses an issue that is being discussed from the author’s personal point of view. Essay also can be said to be a prosa writing that presents the personal ideas of the author regarding a problem based on a point of view. For many people writing an essay is one thing that makes them difficult. This is because writing requires a lot of practice in order to be able express the ideas. Before entering how to write an essay quickly we must know what the structure of the essay is, there are introduction, content, and conclusion.


Introduction tell the main idea of the topic, the content section must strengthen the argument and clarify the preliminary sentence of the previous thesis, the closing sentence is the affirmative sentence of the entire essay submitted. Writing an essay quickly can be started by making arrangements, creating an essay framework, pouring ideas through writing and editing the essay back to perfection.


The first way to make an essay quickly is to make arrangements. In this session we must make sure that the place when creating an essay is a comfortable place. After that, we must also prepare the equipment needed and it is recommended to choose a quiet place so that it has maximum calm. So that later when everything is complete we will be ready to write essays with excitement. Then after preparing it all we have to choose a topic towards the one that we are working on. The point is that we already have to know the issues that we are going to discuss in the essay that we are going to write so that when writing has a very clear focus. It is advisable when choosing the topic of the essay should be in accordance with our interests so that it will be more interesting and test our curiosity to delve into something. Next is we must know the subject that will be discussed in detail. Before writing an essay, we must have researched the issues to be discussed so that later it will make it easier for us to be able to develop ideas. After doing the research we have to organize our thinking to be more analytical and focused so that what we write later can be comprehensive, faster and more organized.


The second step in writing an essay quickly is to create an essay framework. In making the framework of the essay we have to brainstorm in making an essay statement. We must have the technique of asking about the who, what, why, how and so on. With this we can bring out the ideas that will form the introduction, content and coclusion. After doing these steps and already getting what you want to write, the next step is to write down the ideas in the framework of the essay. For example, the thesis must provide a specific and strong statement to explain the intention of the discussion of the essay you want to discuss. After writing the idea framework for the thesis, the next step is to formulate a framework of ideas regarding the content and conclusions so that the essay written can be comprehensive. Not forgetting when entering the framework of the idea should be accompanied by specific examples so that the essay will be better and understandable to its readers.

Pour the framework by writing an essay

After creating the essay framework, the third step is to pour the framework by writing an essay. In writing an essay we must know the structure of the body of the paragraph so that it has a good and orderly arrangement among the introduction, content and conclusion. In writing an essay, we must use clear and concise language so that readers are not too long winded in reading the essays we make. Then make sentences with figure of speech so that they aren’t boring. Then in writing an essay don’t forget to use transitions so that the before and after paragraphs have a clear connection where the ideas are interrelated with the previous paragraphs.

Edit the essay

The last step to writing an essay quickly is to edit the essay. Editing essays has a function so that the essays we make don’t make mistakes, for example word writing errors. In order for the essay to be completed quickly, we can use technology such as spell checking applications so that it can make easier for us to edit essays faster. Then don’t forget to read once again in order to minimize illogical words. If there are words that are not needed then get rid of them. By editing the essay our essay will look professional, logical and comprehensive.


After paying attention to the steps of writing an essay quckly, now we are no longer need to be afraid and worried in writing an essay. These steps can be applied when you want to write an essay well, correctly and quickly so that it can save us time. Writing an essay can train how to write well and correctly. Because writing can stimulate our thinking. I strongly believe when work is finished writing, then the author doens’t die. It has just extended its life again. Therefore let’s write from the earliest possible!

By: Yasmin Umari

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