How to write a 5 page essay

By: Ishita Sharma

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Writing a five-page essay is quite a tough task. It requires a lot of time and a great deal of effort. You need sufficient time to think, research, and edit the essay. A five-page essay requires detailed and adequate information. It requires about 10-48 hours to complete this essay, unlike a simple essay that can be completed in just a span of a few hours. 
The writing process of a five-page essay is divided into three parts, these processes will help you save your time: 

  • Prewriting
  • Writing
  •  Post writing


  •  Concentrate

A five-page essay requires a concentrated mind. To do so you can allocate time to each process and turn off all forms of distractions while working. 

  •  Brainstorming

First, make a list of all the ideas by stretching your imagination and thinking capacity. It effectively reduces the time you take thinking while writing the essay. Make sure to note down important ideas that you come across while brainstorming. Choose the topic that you are interested in and comfortable in. 
Ask yourself different questions about the topic that you want to address in your work. For e.g,
What is the purpose of this topic? 
what are the challenges associated with it? 
What can be the best solution to the problem?

  • Prepare an Outline

It is a framework that gives your essay a definition and also gives direction to your work. Until you are satisfied with your outline, you can make as many outlines of your essay as you want. 


  •  Introduction 

It is one of the key paragraphs of the essay. Your task while writing it should grab the reader’s attention at the very beginning. It states the main idea of your essay in 3-4 sentences. An exceptional introduction should include:

  1.  Attention grabber
  2. An opening sentence that will give reader’s hint of what they will be going to read in the essay
  3.  Summary of the main ideas 
  4.  Transition sentence that will guide readers from introduction to body
  •  Body 

Place all the strongest evidence you have in the body. It contains all the important information about your topic that you want readers to know. The information must be backed with some pieces of evidence and facts to convince the readers that your position is worth considering. If your pieces of evidence are not good enough your essay will fall flat. Here you should focus on proving your hypothesis by answering the questing that the thesis statement poses. Devote each paragraph for each argument and don’t mix up the ideas.

  • conclusion

Give an overview of the topic and make your personal opinions clear. You can also conclude by giving a call to action by suggesting materials for further reading. Remember that it should re-establish the points in the main body. It is the last impression that you leave with your reader and if used correctly it can prove to be a very powerful tool.


  •  Cite your sources 

Whenever you include information that is not so common, you will have to cite where you get that information from. 

  •  Editing

It makes your essay compact and accurate. A good way to do it is by reading it aloud and correcting the mistakes as you read. Hearing your own work makes it easier for you to detect errors in the essay.

  • Proofreading

It requires a good amount of time. You must take some rest before starting this process as writing a five-page essay is both mentally and physically exhausting. You must take enough time to read your work over and over again in order to eliminate all grammatical and spelling errors. You can also ask some professionals who can find out every little mistake in your essay.  It can also save your time. 

  • Formatting

Font type, Font Size, and line spaces are some of the important factors to keep in mind while formatting your work.

Some points to avoid while writing an essay:

  •  Not writing a thesis statement 

If you fail to do so the readers will be confused about what you are going to tell them in your essay. 

  •  Repeating of introduction

Some people tend to repeat the exact same lines in the conclusion as written in the introduction. The conclusion holds a very important place in the essay and it should not be neglected

  •  Wordiness

Using too many words or phrases gives a bad impression to the readers. They tend to make the text less readable. 

  •  Long and complex sentences

Try writing short and accurate sentences. Long and complex sentences tend to confuse the readers and will ultimately lead to a loss of interest in reading.

  •  Plagiarism 

It is one of the major problems while writing an essay. In order to avoid it you can follow these steps:

  1.  Rephrase, instead of copy-pasting
  2. cite the sources 
  3.  Check your essay in any of the plagiarism checking tools available 

A five-page essay needs proper time and a lot of labor. You need to choose an adequate topic, conduct research, and find relevant sources with accurate information. But with proper concentration and following the above-mentioned tips anyone can write a 5-page essay.

By: Ishita Sharma

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