Diwali Festival And Air Pollution

By: Rupak Das

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Introduction ​​​​

“The greatness of a culture can be found in its festival”.

The above quotation is very much true indeed, as festivals bring a lot of fun and happiness to everyone’s life, and we all want to mix ourselves with the essence of festivals. The splendid happiness that we get from festivals is very charming and much needed as a booster of energy to our life as we need some freshness from the shackles of daily life. India is a country of diverse religions and there are many festivals celebrated in various parts of the states or cities.

Among all the festivals of India, Diwali deserves a special mention, as we all people eagerly wait for this festival,throughout the year. It’s not only a festival, it is the celebration of the night with lights and fire crackers and to ring out all the evils from the society. On this day,the Goddess of Power Devi Kali is worshipped at various parts of the country, and everyone pray for the destruction of all evil powers and the beginning of auspicious powers. On Diwali the people gather and celebrate together and they involve themselves in a jocund company which has a lot of fun and love for each other. Many Indian people celebrate the day with delicious sweets ,because sweets add some more sweetness to the celebration of Diwali.

Beauty of the festival and economic impact ​​​​​

The beauty of this festival is not only dignified by firecrackers, but also by the marvellous earthen lamps.There are many cultural people who decorate their houses with traditional earthen lamps.Really, the decorated houses with the lamps beautify the festival and it is a pleasure to view the astounding scenario on the delightful Diwali night.

Though in this modern era,the electric lights are in vogue but the traditional earthen lamps take the festival to another level. The festival Diwali, is also a boon for the firecrackers and earthen lamps sellers because they can improve their financial condition by the profit earned by selling the firecrackers and lamps.Those poor people, eagerly wait for this festival because Diwali not only bring happiness to them, but helps them run their livelihood.

.Diwali And Air Pollution ​​​​​​:- We celebrate Diwali by burning firecrackers, but it has to be remembered that for burning firecrackers, it causes a high level of air pollution and can be fatal to our environment. The gases released from firecrackers cause Air Pollution and due to the increasing pollution level, many little creatures such as bird’s existence is at stake. The creatures are vulnerable to extinction, which is really not a good sign for our environment and it will effect our ecological balance.

It is high time, we should be concerned about air pollution, and the government of few states have taken serious steps to get rid out the threat of air pollution .In some cosmopolitan cities, firecrackers are strictly banned, and selling of these will be treated as crime punishable by law.Really, it is a huge loss for the firecrackers sellers, because it is their only source of income. But life is much important than any other thing, so everyone should abide by the law imposed for the welfare of the people.

During Diwali, the air pollution level is at its peak and causes severe breathing problems for many people, which is a great threat. Hence, Diwali can be celebrated with electric lamps or earthen lamps much better than firecrackers,beauty is the utmost important. Besides, air pollution due to burning of firecrackers, noise pollution also increases which is also a great threat to our environment. Sometimes, it has been seen people loses their hearing ability due to high decibel sound of firecrackers and become deaf.

Conclusion ​​​

Diwali is a festival of lighting, sharing love and care for elders and younger ones,and there is a great story of Lord Ram defeating evil Ravana, with his truth and came off with flying colours.Diwali, the festival of light is not just a festival but the auspicious moment, we all come together and take the oath of destroying all the things which are baneful.

Festival is not only for celebration, fun but also for spreading the message of unity to every people and thus a harmony should be established among us. While celebrating this festival, we should take care of us and also look after other people, lest they are harmed.So we all celebrate this beautiful festival Diwali altogether every year, and thus we get the blessings of God.It should be remembered, the festival is always for one’s happiness, but never for one’s harm.

By: Rupak Das

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