How to write an essay fast?

By: Ritika Sagar

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An essay is a written piece on a particular issue. The essay reflects on the views that the writer holds on the given topic. To write an all-encompassing essay, which is so gripping that one does not take into account the time spent on reading it, is not a work of a few minutes or a couple of hours.

Rather, one may have to invest a whole day or even days to come up with a great essay but, there are times when one has to write the essay within a constrained time. This constrained time can be during an exam, essay competitions, etc. On the other hand, there can even be the case where one needs to improve his/her writing speed. Thus, the question is how to write an effective essay within a stipulated time or to improve the writing speed. There can be no single pointer to achieve this feat rather, one has to keep several things in mind. Below are a few points that can come in handy while writing an essay.

Points to keep in mind while writing an essay within a dedicated time

  1. Sit in an undistracted place- To delve deep into a topic, one needs to sit in a space that is free from distraction. Distraction can be in the form of mobile phones buzzing with notifications or somebody talking in the background, etc. Therefore, choose a space that is sound-proof so that one can write the essay with a flow and the ideas keep on coming while writing. This space can be either one’s room, the terrace of one’s house, a park, etc., whichever sets the mood to write an engaging piece.
  2. To understand the topic- One can write mindlessly on a given topic to an extent that one can lose the track of time but, this would not serve the purpose. A topic is given for an essay so that the writer sticks to the demand. If a writer understands the topic well, then the first hurdle to writing an essay within a stipulated time gets crossed.
  3. To be well-read about the issue- To write an essay, one needs to be well-read on the topic. If one does not know a thing about the topic and is clueless to write about it then, it may take time to write the essay. Moreover, the produced essay won’t be as effective as it would have been had the writer would have well-read about the topic. Thus, before starting to write an essay, one needs to research well about the issue and explicitly read about it so that the essay’s true goal of serving the correct information in a fluid language is realized.
  4. Generic structure- Most essays follow a generic structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. An introduction gives a sneak peek into what the essay is all about. The body contains a detailed discussion concerning all the aspects of the given issue. This even includes the five W such as what, why, when, where, who and 1 H i.e., how. Lastly, the conclusion is a summary of the essay along with better hopes for the future. This has become the standard structure while writing an essay. Thus, if one keeps this generic structure in mind, writing an essay becomes easy.
  5. To form a specific structure- The fifth point is somewhat related to the last point. If one starts to write as soon as the topic is allotted to an individual, then there are higher chances of writing an ill-structured essay. In such a case, even if one includes all the points but there is no flow in the essay then the whole purpose gets disrupted as it would not be able to sustain the attention of the readers for a long time. To alleviate this issue, based on the topic, a topic-specific structure must be scribbled. Thus, one should form a structure before writing an essay so that it is clear from the beginning which points would come at the first and which would come at the last.
  6. Stick to the word limit- Mostly for writing essays in an essay competition or for an exam, a word limit is mentioned. This is done to see whether a person can formulate his/her ideas within the mentioned word limit. There can be times when the person knows way too much which may cross the word limit and then there are times when the knowledge on the topic is too little to write even a few words. Thus, striking a balance is necessary. This means that the requirement of keeping the word limit in mind is necessary as only then the person would be able to finish writing an essay within a stipulated time.
  7. Write the title at the end- For an essay, one should think about the title at the end. This is done so that one’s creativity does not get exhausted at the start itself just upon delving into what the title would be. Once the whole essay is completed, giving a title to the writing piece becomes easy as a complete understanding of the essay is achieved.


Writing an essay within a dedicated time shows one’s flair for putting one’s thoughts on paper. To achieve this skillset, a guided direction is needed otherwise the whole purpose of writing gets defeated. The aforementioned pointers are just a way to better the writing speed for essays.

By: Ritika Sagar

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