How to Focus on Writing an Essay

By: Jaishiya devi.M

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Writing an essay can be a hard process, especially since it requires a healthy balance between solid research skills, an eye for clear structure and good writing techniques. This is in addition to the focus and perseverance required to keep drafting and editing an essay to its highest quality. However, there are ways to break down the basic elements of an essay in order to come up with a trustable guide that will provide the focus needed to write an useful essay in a short space of time.

Planning session :

When you find what is the theme of the monthly essay,take a note pad and make a mind map of it on your own of everything you already know about the topic. Whatever it may be write it down!it can be useful to circle the things which you know about the topic. There is no reason why you should spend more time in polishing and editing a specific sentence that you would cut at the end.

Then the final planning session comprises research. Use trustworthy sources to look for dependable statistics that can be incorporated into the essay. Learning about these statistics also helps to expand knowledge in the topic too.

The thesis statement evidently states your stand about the topic under discussion.

Writing session :

In an essay of five paragraphs, the first three paragraphs after the introduction shows the indication, attestation and the support of your thesis statement.

In the first session for writing, sketch out the basic idea and message of the essay, including paragraph to paragraph themes. This is where you create a framework for the essay, and finally distribute all the statistics compiled accordingly. The main purpose of the first session is just to give an idea on what the essay will look like in the ‘big picture’, and a general outline of everything. This sort of planning can be done through mind mapping, bullet points or whatever other way works best. The reason why this session is so necessary is because it significantly cuts down the time needed to then write up the essay, as there is already a flow of ideas. Each paragraph has a topic sentence. This is a thesis statement for each paragraph. This shows the main point in that paragraph.

Read every paragraph as a separate unit,Ensure that each sentence in each paragraph relates to the topic sentence in that paragraph.

The second session is used to write a full first draft of the essay using the outline from the previous session. Usually this is the session that takes up the longest time as it requires effort and thought to make the words flow. However, due to the amount of prior research and plan already present it shouldn’t be overly challenging. This session is where you figure out how to blend the statistics with your own personal knowledge to demonstrate your knowledge and opinion simply but effectively.

Put more attention to the kind of language used in the sentence. If it is formal proof read and delete casually written sentences.

Ensure you rephrase the sentences to maintain tone consistency throughout the essay. If the tone changes the reader would think the writer lost the focus of the essay.

By: Jaishiya devi.M

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