By: Anusha Srivastava

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What is a review essay?

A review essay is an analytical evaluation of an author’s written work. They are written with the purpose to dissect the author’s work, develop an argument supporting a particular theme. Even present an evidence to strengthen the argument and then annihilating to a conclusion. 

When do review essays come in utility?

Review essays provide a comprehensive approach to any given topic. They help in expressing any current state of knowledge and provide an insight to the existing gaps in studies, hence also forming material for future research. The methodologies and research techniques used by any author are also highlighted in the process.

Structure of review essays:

The structure of a typical review essay generally includes an Introduction, a body and a conclusion. It might also have a Title Page and an Abstract. 


Often writers fail to properly introduce a topic. However, it is extremely necessary as it lets the reader in on background information of any topic. The topic’s relevance and revelation of thesis can be established in this part of the essay. It should preferably start with an identification sentence. Its should conclude with a thesis statement making the last line of the introductory paragraph.


It is the part where the reviewer is presented the opportunity to express main points, arguments, and findings of the articlen in their own words. Here, one should avoid using first-person pronouns. The body of a typical review essay is all about “analyse, synthesize and interpretation”. It has to be noted that for a good review essay a mere summary of information collected would not work. Establishing a clear thesis from the onset of writing and examining the pieces that might go with the writing are crucial.


A good conclusion must illustrate the key connections between thesis and a broader discussion taking wider aspects in account would expand the horizons of a reader.

How to Write a good review essay?

1. Thorough reading and research-

For achieving triumph in writing a good review essay, a thorough research or reading of a book is necessary. Having a wide horizon and a good idea about major and minor themes shall go a long way. Adding concise statements from the authors concentrating on major arguments, conclusion and discussion are determinants of a good essay.

2. Focusing on title-

A title must hold the capacity to reflect the focus om the entire essay. It could be interrogative, declarative or descriptive.

3. Editing and proofreading-

Clarity and consciousness of communication are one of the primary criterias of a satisfactory review.  Therefore it is quite unlikely for a “first draft” to suffice the purpose, which is why editing and proofreading is advised.

4. Summarizing and evaluating the article

A good evaluation with an intriguing summary is the sould of any review essay. Therefore, a lot of emphasis should be laid on that.

5. Structure and content

The needs of the structure and content must be paid attention to. 

6. Citation and identification of the articles

This shall give readers with the required background information before they set on to the the journey of reading they critical eessay.

How different sources require a different approach?

1. A literature review is one of the most flexibile kind of article. Along with summarization, many aspects, horizons,symbolism, perspectives can be discussed upon. The problematic aspects of the book can also be shed light at.

2. A historical book review generally involves a layout on the author’s argument. Critique and historical argument are other necessary components in this type of of source.

3. An academic book review should contain constructive criticism, a personal opinion and an honest appraisal for the good or the bad. The reviewer should also explain what the book contributes to overall discussion. 

DO’s of writing a review essay:

1. Broader the horizon of the writing and it must be done as early as possible,

2. Ask yourself questions as for the needs, the answers at your disposal shall make the points for the essay,

3. Using other reviews as a source shall guide in the writing process,

4. Address the gaps in the review,

5. Using strategies and purposes in the writing process,

6. A cohesive take-home message should be worked upon.

DON’Ts of writing a review essay:

1. Skimpimg upon the outlining process should be avoided at all costs,

2. Simply summarizing and rehashing the discussions, the cited papers should not be done,

3. Leaving the citation of authors and labs,

4. One must avoid using first person pronouns.

By: Anusha Srivastava

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