All About Bill Gates

By Akshita Gupta

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There is no one in the world who don’t want to be rich. Everybody wants to be in the shoes of the richest man in the world, whose wealth at one point of time was more than $ 100 billion.  Bill Gates is one of the richest entrepreneurs in the world, as well as second richest  person in the world. He is accountable for creating the largest computer and technology business in the world, Microsoft. He is one of the top influential men in the world. He was well known  youngest and wealthiest man in the world. He has been depicted as the quintessential example of a super – intelligent human being with immense power and wealth. Bill Gates has modify technology in so many ways it’s almost impossible to list them all, and one of the most respected businessman. During the last decades of the 20th century , his company , Microsoft have changed the world’s attitude towards the personal computer. 

        History of Bill Gates-

                          This amazing personality was born 28th October ,1955 in Seattle, Washington. His story was not a ‘rages to riches’ one , but a ‘riches to riches’. The notable thing is that his parents wealth didn’t make him complacent. His father was a eminent attorney and mother., A bank board member. He left Tyee Park Elementary School in the Clover Park school district located in Lakewood, Washington. Bill gates parents sent him there to challenge his intelligence. When he was attending the school he became friend with Paul Allen who shared the same interests as him in computer technology. Bill gates love mathematics and science. Bill and his friend Paul played around with them and created their own software’s. One of the leading programs they made was a scheduling program for the school and they got paid $4,200 for their work. During that time, they were busy exploring the world of computers they also got banned from them for many weeks. Afterwards, Bill applied for Harvard, Yale and Princeton University. All of the three schools accepted him, but he chose to go to Harvard to maybe someday become a lawyer. During his freshman year, he met a new friend named Steve Ballmer, who was also interested in computers and technology. Although at Harvard Bill Designed his very own version of the programming language BASIC. After a couple of days his old friend Paul Allen called him and told him about the Altair 8800, a microcomputer for hobbyists and Computer enthusiasts. Bill quit his schooling and dropped out of school and developed the company now known as Microsoft. 

Achievements of Bill gates –

  • The most successful computer software company, Microsoft established by Bill Gates –

           Both Gates and Allen study the BASIC programming language whilst studying at Lakeside school in Seattle, which was simple to use for beginners but had functionality that could be stretched by advanced coders. In the year 1975, the pair created a version for the Altair 8800 and the two sold the code to MITS for $ 3000. The BASIC sparked the home computing boom in the 1980’s which featured in IBM PC and Apple ll.

             Bill Gates and Paul Allen formed Micro-Soft in 1976,which is a blend of ‘micro-computer’ and ‘software’, however, they dropped the hyphen within a year to the name you see today. Then in the year 1980, the company signed a landmark deal with IBM to produce an operating system for its upcoming personal computer. Bill gates company, Microsoft created MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) and did not offer to transfer copyright on the operating system to IBM. IBM’s competitors begin producing clones of IBM’s PC, which provided a perfect opportunity for Microsoft to push their version of the operating system to system builders. Before the year 1990, Microsoft had sold more than one hundred million copies of MS-DOS making it one of the most successful software to be made available.

  • Named world’s youngest self – made billionaire at the age of 31-

        In 1987, Bill gates was counted under the 400 richest people in America with an estimated worth of $4.25 billion and was the youngest billionaire, this achievement would be excel in 2008 by Mark Zuckerberg who founded Facebook. 

  • Microsoft 95 –

         MS – DOS was famous among PC builders and it was the best operating system to install in systems. Although, Microsoft would go on to develop windows that would change personal computer software forever.

                                             In the year 1995, Microsoft released windows 95 that gave you a graphic interface, making it easier for users to navigate around an operating system. This made personal computer accessible to masses, as it did not require any coding knowledge to use it windows 95 introduced icons, point device feature, plug, play and multitasking.

  • Giving his money away –

Bill gates get through his day job at Microsoft, the will arguably be a better place for it. Bill gates and his wife Melinda head up the charitable behemoth that is Bill & Melinda gates foundation. In the year 2007, alone the foundation spent over $2 billion on global education and health initiatives.

  • Awards given to bill gates –

      Bill Gates has won many awards. He has won  the Silver Buffalo award which won in 2010, the Bower Award of Leadership in 2010 as well. In 1992 he won the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, and two years later he won the Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society award. In 1997 he was awarded with the Satellite Special Achievement Award for Outstanding Contribution to Entertainment New Media award. In 2013,Bill Gates won the Mary Woodard Lasker Award for Public Service 

So , in a nut shell , Bill gates is a persistent person with tremendous accomplishment like Microsoft. His character traits emphasize that he is very smart, helper, Challenger taker as well as second richest and famous person in the world.  

Akshita Gupta, Rajasthan      


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