WOMEN EMPOWERMENT – The beginning of a new era……..


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A question arises with the slogan of empowerment of women, “ Are women really empowered ? Have their long struggles ended ?”.

As per said by Jawaharlal Nehru, ‘ You can foretell the condition of a society or Nation by looking at the status of its women’.

Women empowerment means imparting powers to women economically, politically, socially and educationally. The enactment of various laws to improve the status of women is today’s burning need. In ancient times, due to lack of opportunities and poor health facilities, women became a victim of a vicious circle which was needed to be broken down to hasten the process of development of the country.

Women have much capabilities to create an ocean of difference in the great march of Human civilization.  The other problems are bias in job, sexual harassment, domestic violence, marital discord which are the only means of hindrance in a woman’s development.

Women who increasingly refused to be a part of bad situations and were shedding silent tears shows long overdue of empowerment of women. There are many provisions such as the ‘Hindu Marriage Act 1955’, where a Hindu women can walk out of her worst life by divorce and hence empowers women to say goodbye to their long sufferings.

Now, women can also have their share in the ancestral property as per the enactment of the ‘Hindu Succession Act 1956’. There are other laws as well such as ‘Hindu adoption and maintenance Act 1956’.

As per the ‘Muslim Shariat Act 1937’, a  Muslim women can opt for divorce according to her will and can get maintenance in the form of ‘Mahr’.

Well, the word ‘Empowerment’ literally means ‘to bestow power on somebody’. In this instance, we are talking about empowerment of women. The concept of women empowerment originated and started after an intervention of UNO, that’s why it is one of the eight millennium development goals, but it is more crucial to success than the other seven.

With the serious concern of development of women counterparts across the world, where India to a great extent has picked up the speed in this regard; but still more miles to go in the way of becoming an Egalitarian society where both men and women will enjoy equal power and freedom rather than being a Male-chauvinistic society.

At this time, there is a rising menace in the form of a gigantic monster that is, the ‘Dowry system’ , which is a stark reality. ‘Dowry Prohibition act’ enacted in the year 1961 to combat this evil and articles such as 14 and 16 were also there to safeguard women.

With changing times, number of laws were enacted and amended such as ‘Prevention of immoral trafficking act 1956’, ‘Protection of women from domestic violence act 2005’ etc. However, despite the existing laws much is left desired.

Moreover, though the laws are said to grant justice to the innocent sadly it isn’t true in many cases. Especially in the case of Rape and sexual assault. Ironically, in most of the cases, the victim is branded as a women of loose morals. Abominably, in many cases, this heinous crime is committed only by the Guardians of laws that is, the Police and the military person.

Cases lingers on for years and years and in many cases, due to political influence, the criminals get away scot-free. One example of a rape case is ‘Nirbhaya Rape case’ which is brought recently into the books after a horribly long period of seven years.

Ironically, March 8 of 2011- recognised as International Women’s day- a Delhi University girl was short dead in broad daylight. These are just some of the cases that the country watches everyday where women- be it a 21-day old baby or a senior citizen are helpless victims.

Overall a look at the status of women in India is a matter of great concern. Right from female foeticide, child marriage, satidah…. to the treatment meted out to elderly women makes one wonder at her emancipated status.

 The  government ushered in the new millennium by declaring 2001 as ‘Women empowerment year’. It’s true that with economic independence, women are making their presence in each and every sector.

Economic independence has boosted up her confidence to march ahead and conquer the world but the daily battles that she, fights everyday isn’t only painful but disgusting also.

Moreover, it is the need of the hour that this development should not only be restricted to a few privileged ones but should rather percolate to each and every sections of women uniformly. So that India actually becomes great by Nehru’s standard.

The government has taken up many missions such as-

  • Mission Shakti (includes the SHG)
  • Mission Ujjwala: For prevention of trafficking
  • Mahila Shakti Kendras (MSK)

And many other missions to empower and embolden the women. India has many women pioneers in the field of business, science, food, sports etc like Indira Nooyi, Mary Kom, P.T Usha.

But still it is the beginning………………


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