What are the Tips to Stay Healthy

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In present times, people are leading such a speedy life in order to become successful and to make the use of technology to the highest extent. And because of this, their health is also declining at the same speed. They forget that they are compromising with their health. Also, many youths are leading sedentary lifestyle, sitting for hours on screens, depending too much on technologies, so they can lead a comfortable life in Charleston locations . All these habits are affecting their health.

If we look at the definition of health, then according to WHO- Health is a complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not just the absence of disease.

What Is Lifestyle?

Lifestyle is the way that we live. It includes day to day habits such as food habit, amount of physical activity, mental stress level etc. Nowadays, poor lifestyle leads to lifestyle diseases. Rapid urbanization, globalizations have affected our health because it brings up with unhealthy lifestyle system as an outcome. According to the study of WHO (2008, 2011, 2017), more than 7 million people die each year due to the use of tobacco and alcohol intake.

Physical health of people (Present scenario)

Effect of Lockdown

In present times, children are spending most of their time in front of screens, due to which they are becoming lethargic and inactive. In the time of covid-19, some people are involving in creative activities in order to avoid boredom, while most of the population are choosing digital media such as social media, Netflix, which is affecting their health negatively.

Wrong Eating Habits

The trend of eating fast food and junk food have increased from the last one decade. People are compromising their health for the sake of taste. Children become addictive to pizzas, burgers and other unhealthy foods. They refuse to take nutritious diet which is necessary for their growth and development. These foods contain high amount of sodium, trans fats and are high in calories. Eating them on regular basis can cause health problems such as high level of bad cholesterol in body, heart disease, liver dysfunction etc. That is why children are also prone to many diseases at early age such as type2 diabetes.

Psychological health of people (Present scenario)

In present days, schools and colleges are closed as safety purpose due to pandemic. For teenagers, cancellation of important social activities, school activities such as sports, physical activities, virtual learning, zoom classes, online classes lead to brain problems, weakness of eyes, irritation, insomnia, anxiety etc.

During pandemic, people are force to quarantine themselves in order to protect themselves from infection. And due to isolation and social distancing, people cannot meet their loved ones. Lack of communication for a long time have developed symptoms of depression and mental illness among people.

In these two years (2020, 2021), behavioral changes among children have been noticed such as- irritation, mood swings, inattention, sleep disturbance.

According to Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, volume 67,studieson22996children have been conducted, which found that 34.5%, 41.7%, 42.3%, 30.8% children have developed the symptoms of anxiety, depression, irritability, inattention.

Emotional Health

Our emotions and thoughts not only affect our emotional life but have an impact on our mind and body. Our thoughts have impact on our hormones. Researches tells Our one single thought can cause hormonal imbalance.

In this era, due to increasing work load, people do not have time to share their feelings and to listen others. This communication gap leads to relationship failures.

When people cannot express their feelings and suffer from inside, then emotional stress levels in body increases which lead to depression, inflammation in body.

Similarly, in order to score good marks and getting high profile jobs, children and youths are leading stressful life.

Ways to Improve Physical Health

  1. Exercise – Study of WHO (2002) tells that 150 minute of exercise in a week can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 35%, type 2 diabetes by 50%.
  1. Aerobics – Aerobics exercise play an important role in reducing the risk of many health problems such as obesity, blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, stroke etc.

Aerobic exercises also help in managing chronic conditions, strengthen heart, keep arteries clean, improves mood.

Follow healthy diet plan

According to WHO, five portions of fruits and vegetables are essential for good health. Balanced diet comprises carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Fruits and vegetables contain essential nutrients which helps to boost immunity and protect from non – communicable diseases. Brocoli, kale and other green leafy vegetables contain antioxidants which may protect from cancer.

Drinking sufficient amount of water flushes out toxins from body.

Ways to Improve Psychological Health


yoga aims to bring harmonious experience and balancing mind and body and spirit. Controlling of the mind, postures, controlling breathe are some essential parts of yoga.

Yoga helps to bring down stress, enhance power of relaxation to attain the power of controlling negative thoughts.

Expressing Gratitude

leading satisfactory life is the essential part of being healthy. Satisfaction comes from gratitude. We should never compare ourselves with others. This leads to jealousy and become causes of other health problems. We should be thankful to god who gave us family to care, food to eat and other basic amenities to lead a happy and healthy life

By: Humera Khatoon

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