Should The Law Be Broken If You Believe The Law Is Not Justifiable To You?

By Areeba Pervaiz

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Should the law be broken if you believe the law is not justifiable to you? Laws are never meant to be broken or violated anyhow and anywhere but the variation of time and changing era with the inclusion of modern technologies and latest advancements create a wide scenario of bringing a sense to change or amend them. The globe is due to the laws shaped into the United Nations Organizations which came into being in 1945 to conclude the second great war and become the biggest barrier and barricade in the waging of war. When laws are violated, humanity is targeted at its best leading humanitarian and security crises to every nook and cranny of that area. Laws are always justifiable. Situations and circumstances may vary and be unfavorable. Because laws are made for the security of human beings. Law can never be against any civilian and resident. If it is offending a civilian it can be some political imposition or agenda fulfilling one’s personal interest but never be the law. The violation of laws makes incurable ways of an eruption of violence and engaging in a war. Battles over battles and serious negligence to détente or the easing of tension are the grave consequences of breaking laws. A peek into the history where the fiasco of the league of the nations resulted in the second world war. What was the league of nations? A set of laws and rules to act and promote détente through multilateral ties and multilingual dialogs. The Poland invasion made by Germany challenged the severity of the league of nations and once again the world was into ashes, cries, massacre, and blood. A glimpse wandering around the current scenario reveals the malfunctioning and inefficiency of the United Nations Organizations in which the Ukrainian invasion possessing numerous and severe humanitarian and security crises is a clear picture. Invading a low developed or underdeveloped state and threatening its sovereignty will only be fitted to increase turmoil and the tectonic movement causing terror and horror. Laws are like the grammar or the basics of the language of discipline and peace. Nations rise with the serious consideration of the laws and decline due to an utter absence of laws. We are to the laws, laws to the nation and nations to the world. Laws are the pillars of global peace and great factors for maintaining the power between nations of superiority and inferiority. A civilian or any resident must abide by the laws to maintain and promote peace on the respective lands. It depends on the most that the authority behind the law should have the fear of compromising on the justice for the sake of nepotism and must be the patriot to speak and perform disciplinary attitude despite kin and kith. Nations are doom and gloom because of their peculiar and minute transparency in their domestic and foreign policies. If it comes to feminism that women of the particular state have less quota to participate in state affairs and jobs, then the constitutional amendment is required in an attempt to increase employment opportunities for women, especially for single mothers running both, family and the house. Laws and their abiding bring equality, the prime source for the country to prosper strategically. No matter how many classes of people dwell in a single state, equality emerging from laws and rules makes every soul the same. If the law is broken or compromised for the rich and made the poor abide by the law, equality will have vanished along with peace and success. Laws should be framed to make access for every person to have his or her necessities at least. Laws fulfill the rights of people and create an ambiance of respect and dignity among them. Laws are made for the prosperity and welfare of the state and its citizens. They must create a comfort zone for their followers in an attempt to maintain freedom of living and choices. Not everybody is treated fairly and justly. It is an administrative cause. It does not relate to the violation of the law. Laws are the strength for the civilian to spend a life full of security, peace, fair responsibilities, and freedom. The Soviet Union disintegrated because its people were not getting their rights fulfilled and laws were attacked by the infringement. Laws calm the nation and following them with complete sincerity is a responsibility of every civilian. It is not wrong to say that the successes and failures of the nation are in the hands of civilians.

By Areeba Pervaiz


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