Poem: An Edifying Walk

- Mohammed Mukarram Shaikh.

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When once my heart’s foyer blurted out a thought to tread on, on an untrodden path,

I relinquished the heft and the yoke of my ongoing life for a while,

And decided to visit the living votary of death-the ignored graveyard,

Then a melange and miscellany of my flaming emotions stood solemn and sombre.


A beguiling evening ambience graced my journey…

And a plethora of substantial aphorisms kept on buffeting me..

My destination seemed no farther away, and my decrepit eyes caught a glimpse of that yonder frayed threshold..

Which simply divides the living-yard and the graveyard..


I entered the mortal’s final place with sobriety.

A languid algor engulfed my frail foresight

and quivered my sanity,

An ineffable aura chaperoned me and ferried me into a rumination of transience…

And all I could glimpse were the ruins of  emblazoned glories and decadence.


Bequeathed to dust, their tombstones stand erect,

Forlorn of facile grandeur, the graves seem bereft..

Here where art thou-the meretricious epergne of amusement and stored affluence!?

Thus, everything around seemed overwhelmed by the cold command of death with much obeisance.


As I surveyed, amidst the rustle of leaves,

A trail beckoned me forth,

Until it led me to a grave unknown..

Then, after a brief moment of reflection,

I was struck by a flashback to a time when I had visited this very graveyard on the death of my beloved grandfather.


Tears cascaded down my eyes as his memories pummelled my frothed emotions.

Amongst those incalculable graves, lies one of my beloved grandfather, slumbering into unceremonious oblivion.

With silence deafening, I departed from there with a muted heart,

Thus that day I had an edifying walk….                 

 – Mohammed Mukarram Shaikh.

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