Is The Main Cause of Environmental Problems In Indonesia Because Indonesia Is a Developing Country?

By: Claireza Nataliliana Ramadan

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Developing country is countries with relatively low average incomes, human development indices recorded below normal global standards, and infrastructure that is still relatively underdeveloped or not maximized. people’s thoughts on the importance of protecting the environment are lacking.

As in Indonesia, there are many environmental problems that often occur due to the ignorance of the Indonesian people about the importance of protecting the environment, such as throwing garbage in the river, disposing of factory waste that is not in place and only disposed of in the river. This has caused many environmental problems in Indonesia.

Moreover, the government in Indonesia is less assertive in overcoming these problems such as the development of water flow is not maximized. Where Indonesia has a tropical climate, rain often occurs and causes water to overflow and cause flooding. Floods in Indonesia occur every year, whether it’s flash floods or regular floods.  

In developed countries, there must be sufficient water catchment areas. Under the road, a large tunnel will be made to accommodate the flow of water when it rains and prevent flooding. In Indonesia itself, tunnels like this are very rare. Indonesia only relies on small rivers on the side of the road which obviously will not be able to accommodate heavy rainwater.

In addition to flooding, there is also river pollution due to community waste and factory waste disposed of in the river. As in the Bengawan Solo River located in Central Java, many textile factories dispose of waste in the river, making the river polluted. but there is no firm action from the government regarding factory waste disposed of in the river.

Indonesia with the status of a developing country should follow up on environmental problems that occur, such as educating the public about the prohibition of littering and separating waste into 3 parts, namely organic, inorganic, and recycled. As well as giving harsh sanctions if someone litters like those applied in the developed country of Singapore. Also build infrastructure to prevent flooding like developed countries do.

By: Claireza Nataliliana Ramadan

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