How to Minimize Environment Issues

By: Badrun Al Anshari

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The environment is a unit that includes all objects, resources, energy sources, conditions and living things including us humans and our own nature or behavior so that it affects its surroundings. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the term environment consists of a combination of physical conditions that include the state of natural resources such as water, soil, air, solar energy, minerals, and flora and fauna that grow on the land and in the ocean.

The environment has many benefits for the survival of living things on earth. These benefits include basic needs (clothing, food, and shelter, and can get more socialization and interaction with other living things or humans. But there are still many people who do not care about the environment around them. in this day and age too many people only care about themselves not their own environment. The first pollution is river and sea pollution. This pollution occurs due to the use of heavy metal materials, disposal of ship wastewater and utilization of hot water into river and sea waters.

The second is soil pollution. Soil can be polluted when excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides. This pollution occurs due to the use of heavy metal materials, disposal of ship wastewater and utilization of hot water into river and sea waters. The second is soil pollution. Soil can be polluted when excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides. It is also caused by the amount of salt content in the soil and causes the soil to become dry and hard. In addition, another cause is because it is caused by plastic waste, plastic waste generally does not undergo a complete destruction process.

The third is due to forest pollution. The forest is a place of life for so many living things and starts from the smallest to the largest creatures. Forests can also be damaged if the utilization is not used properly. Forests are one of the natural resources that can be renewed. One example of damage that occurs is illegal logging. If the logging is carried out continuously, it will completely destroy the forest and the environment. Changes in environmental ecosystems are caused by us, by humans themselves, both in utilizing these resources. 

Changes in the ecosystem of an environment occur due to community activities such as utilizing land and making it for agriculture, as a result it will cause other land to decrease in area. If we think back forests are a source of life for all living things on this earth. Forests provide us with oxygen for our living beings, as a place to provide food and medicine. but many use the forest as a place of personal interest and the reduction of flora and fauna can also continue to increase if people do not see the balance they have damaged. 

Environmental damage can be caused by waste. A lot of garbage can make the garbage can occur evaporation in the river and run out of acidic substances that are needed for microorganisms that live in the river.

But all these problems about the environment can be overcome in the following ways.  To avoid environmental pollution and damage to natural resources, a fair law enforcer is needed in dealing with the environment. With fair law enforcement, it will affect the community to be more motivated to protect and care for the environment. With this, the environment will be maintained and the ecosystem will be maintained. 

The next step is to involve the community in tackling environmental problems together. By doing this action, the community will get used to the habits that exist in that place. Furthermore, to determine the success of HR management must be applied effectively. With this activity, residents will also be more diligent in terms of processing the surrounding environment.  

By: Badrun Al Anshari

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