Best Gift – Put a smile on someone’s face

By: Anushika Gupta

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Never miss an opportunity to put a smile on someone’s face. It might be the only one they got today -Susan Gale

You must have given gifts to your friends and loved ones on their birthday or any special occasion of their life. The purpose of giving gifts is to express your feelings and emotions. But did you ever give a gift to somebody without any special occasion, most of the people would say ‘no’. But there is a very special thing which you can gift to anybody without any reason even to a stranger. And you can’t buy it from any  shop or any gift store in the world. If it is with you then only you’ll be able to gift it to somebody else and that gift is a “Box of happiness “.Happiness is the only gift in the world that you can give to someone without any special occasion, if you have succeeded to happy somebody then it would be the precious gift for them and at that moment a big smile on the face of that person will be your return gift…And believe it, you feel more ecstatic when you are the reason of someone’s smile. If you distribute happiness among people then the universe will double your joy. As you know, in this competitive world nobody has time to talk someone so to bring a smile on someone’s face is far away. Every one wants to achieve success and defeat who’ll come between them and their success but people may have forgotten if they would live their life with peace and joy then success will definitely knock their door.

Have we lost our smile somewhere?

In today’s busy life, we have forgotten to be happy and we won’t remember that when was the last time we had laughed and enjoyed some gossips with our families. And it’s one of the reasons of our stressful life, you must have heard from your parents or grandparents that they used to spend most of the time with their parents and teachers and rest of with their friends. They used to enjoy every meal with their family and shared every single problem with them and that’s why at that time they weren’t stressful. But nowadays, we don’t share even a single problem with our parents because we think that we are more Smart and intelligent then them. Even we don’t take a meal with them because we are busy in our professional life. But the fact is that we are making excuses to live our life in our manner. If you will share everything with your parents then you’ll see yourself stress free and happy. 

Some cute ways to spread happiness

  • The very first way which we have learned from our parents and teachers is to help a person who in need, no matters if that person is stranger for you, your priority should be help him. And always remember if you help someone then God will also help you in every situation. It’s good to be there in somebody’s tuff time because that person whom you helped his problem will be solved and you’ll also feel lucky that you have got a chance to help  somebody.
  • Care for your elders is one of the best way to give a sweet token of love to them. Spend at least thirty minutes from your busy day with your grandparents. Ask them about their health, about their day, if anything they need, go for a night walk with them. Just try it once, you’ll get lot’s of love and blessings from them.
  • Enjoy your festive occasion with somebody who has no one with whom they celebrate it. We celebrate each and every festival and special occasion with our family. But this time, let’s sparkle and lighten the life of orphans and poor children and make them so delighted that they’ll forget all their worries and bring only happy moments in the life.


These are not the only ways to make someone happy, there are thousands of ways through which you can paint the world with colours of love and happiness… 

By: Anushika Gupta

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