5 Things That Can Cause a UTI

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A urinary tract infection (UTI) happens when microbes (microorganisms that cause disease) enter the urinary tract and cause an infection. The most common cause of a UTI is bacteria. UTIs can cause several symptoms, including bloody urine, frequent urination, fever, chills, and a burning sensation while peeing. While women are more prone to experiencing a UTI, men aren’t immune to this condition.

And while you’ve probably heard about UTIs, you may not really know what causes them. This article mentions causes of  UTIs that you might not know about. From using condoms to eating too much sugar, here’s what you should know:

1. You’re Having Sex

This doesn’t mean you should avoid having sex altogether. But the more sex you have, the more likely you are to experience a UTI. Why? Because the friction that happens during sex can push bacteria from your skin inside your urinary tract, which can cause an infection.

If you use toys, or additional props during sex, that could also increase the likelihood that bacteria will make its way inside your urinary tract. Condoms, especially unlubricated condoms, can also increase your likelihood of experiencing a UTI. Now, this doesn’t mean you should stop practicing safe sex. But if you think condoms are causing your infection, consider using a different method of protection.

While UTIs are common, they can be incredibly painful. Thankfully, using a UTI treatment early on can keep your infection from getting worse. That’s why it’s important to seek treatment as soon as you notice symptoms.

2. You Aren’t Wiping Correctly

Let’s start with the basics and talk about wiping. Think about it for a second. How do you wipe after going to the bathroom? Front to back? Back to front? Well, believe it or not, wiping back to front can spread bacteria and cause urinary tract infections. Make sure you wipe front to back after going to the bathroom. Clean all parts of your vulva too. This can keep bacteria at bay.

Not only do you need to pay attention to how you wipe, but you should be careful about what you’re using to wipe. Soft tissue paper is a must. But make sure you don’t use too much. Your vulva is sensitive and doesn’t need too much paper. You also want to make sure you’re not applying too much pressure. Be as gentle as you can.

3. You Eat a Lot Of Sugar

You might not realize it, but your diet impacts everything, including your urinary system. Believe it or not, if you’re experiencing a UTI, it may be due to the food you’re putting inside of your body.

Urinary tract infections are just that, infections. This means UTIs are caused by bacteria, and it turns out, the bacteria that causes UTIs feeds off of sugar. Sugar makes the acid level in your urine high, which creates the ideal environment for bacteria to thrive. A diet high in sugar also causes higher blood sugar levels, which can increase the amount of urine and cause an overactive bladder. If you don’t wipe well enough, or experience leakage, that could attract bacteria.

It’s also worth mentioning that consuming a lot of sugar can cause diabetes. According to research, people with diabetes are more prone to UTIs.

4. You’re Taking Certain Medication

It’s no secret that medications have side effects, some of which can be harmful. For one, they can cause you to frequently urinate and lead to an overactive bladder. As mentioned above, both can potentially lead to a UTI.

There are several medications that can cause frequent urination, including antihistamines (like Zyrtec and Benadryl) and decongestants (like nasal sprays and eye drops). This doesn’t mean you should stop taking this medication, especially if it’s advised by a doctor. This also doesn’t mean you should hold in your urine. Doing so actually causes bacteria to multiply in your bladder, leading to a UTI.

Some types of birth control can also lead to UTIs. That’s because birth control can cause your hormones to shift. This change can alter the normal bacteria in your body and potentially cause a UTI. Again, this doesn’t mean you should stop taking birth control. However, you might want to consider changing the type of birth control you use or just be aware of the change it can have on your body.

5. You’re Wearing Certain Lingerie

You might enjoy wearing thongs and string-bikini underwear, but they can actually be harmful to your health. This type of lingerie traps bacteria in the vaginal area, increasing your chance of experiencing a UTI or another type of vaginal infection.

Some lingerie is also made from synthetic fabrics, like spandex and nylon, that aren’t breathable. These types of fabrics make it easy for heat and moisture to get trapped, creating the ideal home for bacteria to thrive. Do your best to avoid wearing these types of fabrics. Instead, opt for cotton underwear. Not only is cotton breathable, but it’s absorbent. And if you’re an avid exerciser or live somewhere humid, you’re going to want underwear that’s absorbent to wick away moisture.

Wearing loose-fitting clothes is also a great way to help you avoid UTIs. Tight clothing, especially if worn on your lower body, makes it difficult to circulate air, increasing moisture.

According to research, one out of every five women will experience a urinary tract infection sometime in their life. With that said, just because UTIs are common, doesn’t mean you should accept them as a normal part of life. If you experience UTIs, it’s important you do something about it. The tips above can help.

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