By: Nidhi Lakhani

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Usually, our lifestyle revolves around the main five seasons namely summer, winter, monsoon, autumn, and spring. But these days an unwanted season namely COVID-19 has become a routine phase of our lifestyle all over the planet.

Wearing a mask, washing hands, and keeping social distancing are some of the measures that are followed to defeat this pandemic. But after putting in all such efforts we forget our most powerful weapon.

You might be thinking that is there any weapon that can protect our life against this pandemic? Yes, the answer is “your immune system”. Your immune system is the core of your body. And it’s most powerful than a vaccine.

We all have celebrated “The Teeka Utsav” and taken appropriate vaccine still many of us have suffered the phase of COVID. Do you know why after taking the vaccination dose yet trapped by COVID? This because of your poor immune system.

People often invest in their skin, body, and hair but at the same time, they forget to invest in their health and immune system. Your immune system is the great body savior. It fights against the damages from viruses and bacteria. And rejuvenates your cells from illness. And that’s why it’s much vital to pay attention to your immune system too.

For building your immune system strong you have to take the right diet and the right diet always comes from your kitchen. Your kitchen is home to your immune system. And this article is going to help you on how to select the nutritive diet to build your immunity stronger. Enjoy reading and eating!


Many studies have shown that food that is rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and antioxidants can boost your immune system well.

Let’s check it out:


Citrus fruits are the powerhouse of vitamin c. It helps in increasing the production of WBC in your body, which helps in fighting against infections. Grapefruit, oranges, lemons are the most preferable citrus fruits.

But while consuming it one should be aware of its quantity to intake i.e. 75 mg for females and 90 mg for males is sufficient a day.


Yogurt, a great source of vitamin D that can also stimulate your immune system for fighting against the disease. But one should try to choose plain yogurt instead of flavored and sugary ones.

Yogurt is bliss for your healthy teeth and bones, and also does wonders for your skin. And if one is planning a weight-loss diet, then low-fat yogurt is best.


When the matter of the immune system is going on, green tea is a must. As it is full of minerals, vitamin c, vitamin B12, saponins, and EGCG(epigallocatechin-3-gallate). Antioxidants present in green tea build your immune system.

Along with this, it also burns fat, reduces weight, increases metabolism, prevents heart disease, and helps in lowering blood sugar.

  1. NUTS

Nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. are great sources of fat, fibre, and protein. It contains several vitamins, minerals as well as omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fat.

Nuts are a great booster of immunity especially the vitamin E component which strengthens the immune system to fight against bacteria.


Turmeric ‘The King’ of spices, found in every kitchen. Not only in food but turmeric is used in many beauty products and medicines too. Curcumin which is found in turmeric is responsible for a better immune system.

And during cold and cough turmeric milk or water works like magic in healing.


Foods that are rich in sugar, spices, fried, processed, fats, beverages, etc. tastes yummy but it too weakens your immune system.

Let’s have a look!


Sweetened cold beverages contain lots of calories and also high fructose syrup. Higher intakes of such drinks may lead to weight gain and obesity.

It also increases your sugar level and causes diabetes. Even too much consuming cold drinks may be addictive in a longer time.


Foods such as chips, cakes, and cookies that taste yummy, decorative but the reason for your weakened immune system. As it contains unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives.

That is responsible for several chronic inflammatory diseases. It is also high in calories and fats.


Coffee and tea are the major sources of caffeine and also give a spike to your energy level when it is consumed in the morning. But while consuming too much especially at night can disturb your sleep cycle.

And consuming too much also leads to addiction which is very harmful to the immune system.


Salty and fried foods such as chips, french fries, samosas, etc. fill your mouth with the crunch of taste but at the same time leads to many diseases and weaken your immune system.

Such foods are rich in salt and AGEs (advanced glycation end-products) which are responsible for storing fats in your body.


Products such as cheese, paneer, butter, etc. give an additional flavor to dishes but are too high in saturated fat and cholesterol.

That may increase the risk of heart disease and weight gain. And also plays role in weakening the immune system if it is over consumed.

I hope now you are very much clear about what type of foods builds your immune system and causes triggers to your immune system. And if you will try to add some of these supplements into your diet and cut the useless one then you’ll surely raise the status of your immune system.

After all “health is wealth”. That’s why your health should be your foremost concern.

And this is what you need, thanks for reading!

By: Nidhi Lakhani


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