The Renaissance Period in English Literature

By Afra Samsudeen

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History is history. But, what is meant by history? The ones who are new to the English language would think that History is just ‘telling hi to a story’, which it is not. It is related to stories, though. The word ‘history’ has a lot of meanings. But preponderantly it means, the events or experiences which had taken place in the past. But still, none of us can agree that history is just that kind of a ‘boring’ session of past events.

Almost every human being has important events which happened in their past and those events have changed their life, either positively or negatively. Sometimes, unexpected events happen in people’s life and then, their world would not be their oyster. But, the past is always in the past. Your past might make you anxious, but it is gone. So, stop focusing on it. But, that does not mean that you must focus on your future. Some pessimistic people focus on their future negatively and develop Chronophobia, which is the term for the mental illness, fear of the future. But, why can’t they understand that the future is never ours to see? We must focus on the present, which is our present given to us. For that purpose, we can look into our past and correct ourselves and create a bright future through the present.

There are many events that happened in the past, which not only changed the life of one person, but also the life of the whole wide world. Events like, the atomic bomb attacks in Hiroshima made the life of many people a massacre, while events like the medical revolution introduced Penicillin which helped people medically to have a healthy, happy life. To talk about the present, the Coronavirus pandemic has turned our entire life upside down. It changed our life a lot. Everything had been limited to phones, electronics and obviously, online. Some people are mentally affected while others are physically affected (especially with obesity- no offense). We all can agree that the things we learnt from previous pandemics helped us to partially overcome this pandemic. Thus, we can say that history can help us change ourselves and the world too.

The Renaissance period is one of the golden periods of history in all times, as golden as the pears in the trees of paradise. It was the reason for us to live our life the way we live it now (before the Coronavirus pandemic) and it changed the world. The Renaissance is not just an event but a set of events or a period. What exactly is the Renaissance? The Renaissance period, also known as the ‘Rebirth’ period, typically refers to a period in the history of Europe approximately between 1400 and 1600, despite many historians arguing that it started earlier or ended later. The word ‘Renaissance’ originated from the French word for ‘Rebirth’. The Renaissance was a zealous period of rebirth in almost all aspects in Europe, following the middle ages. It is often referred to as the Middle age.

How did the Renaissance impact the views of the world? It did change the world’s view in many ways. It changed our world through Science and invention. But, how exactly? Instead of relying on superstitious beliefs, our minds began following science, more science and more science until this day. Not to forget, The microscope was invented during the Renaissance, due to the improvements that were tried in order to make lenses. If it weren’t for them, how can we take a view on viruses and bacteria? We cannot see them with our naked eyesight, unaided by the very equipment. Not only that, but also the very first mechanical clock was invented during the time of the Early Renaissance. The inventor of the pendulum, Galileo Galilei made his improvements on them in 1581. What if this did not happen? Of course, we would not have accurate clocks. Then, we would be taking forever and a day, due to being Sleeping Beauties when we have to get dressed up for school or office.

In fact, discoveries about geography and astronomy, also changed the world. People expanded their minds to explore and experiment with the world. For about 2000 years, scientists put forth a theory that the Earth was in the midst of the universe. They also stated that the sun and the planets revolved around the earth. It is not accurate, is it? But, people considered it as a true fact, all that time. Maybe, they were wet behind the ears- no offense. But, Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus produced a new theory during the Renaissance. He stated that the sun was in the midst of the universe and the planets, including earth, revolved around it. He was correct, very correct indeed. Unfortunately, very few people believed him. No offense, but most of us can agree that the theory’s disbelievers were like babes in the woods. Galileo Galilei, who invented the telescope, studied and recorded his observations from his telescope, and believed the theory of Nicolaus Copernicus. Hence, he wrote a noted work which explained his thoughts regarding the case.

Another way the Renaissance changed the world was through art. Before the Renaissance period, masterpieces and works of art were all about religion and they weren’t realistic at all. Art made during the Renaissance taught the world that it does not have to symbolize just the earth but it could be used to show emotion in people as well. Rafael was a well-known painter due to his paintings during the Renaissance, especially The School of Athens. To remember, our favorite painting of all times, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci, was born during the Renaissance period. And not to forget Michelangelo, he was a noteworthy artist and so was his notable artwork, the Last Judgement which made many fall in their knees. Also, The Florence School of painting in Italy ruled the style during the Renaissance.

Italy was most changed during the renaissance. The population rose in the country during that period. Whenever we hear the country’s name, we remember the cities, Genoa, Florence and Venice. It is because many rich people helped the citizens to expand their mind into knowledge and that was the reason, Genoa, Florence and Venice became very well-known for trade and wealth, as well as knowledge from during the Renaissance until this day. Great Cathedrals were rebuilt there and the country gradually changed politically and economically, from the way it was during the Renaissance to the way it is today.

The Renaissance was extraordinarily significant because, like how a house has a base or a foundation, it had a foundation for the exploration and the global ruling of the Europeans. It made Europe revitalize and thus changed the European interest in art, discovery, science and so on. It was a lesson for the whole wide world. And even when we think of life without it, we feel incomplete. Therefore, all of us can agree that the Renaissance changed the world’s view completely.

By Afra Samsudeen

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