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If I consider a language or short word which is uncomplicated and doesn’t take long to learn, but there is the most influential communication than any other words in the dictionary, from my point of view it is “smile”. Imagine If our world is filled with people who share mutual smiles, always give encouragement and a little happiness with a friendly and hearty face expression, how our society and surroundings will be warm, unity and livable. 

We use smiles to symbolize peace and demonstrate friendship, cordiality and provide positive energy to ourselves and those around us, we might realize smile is only used when we believe we are happy, but in fact smiling ourselves without the good story in whole day, it is happiness and encouragement creation for ourselves as well, which considered it was the marvelous power which humanity are born with it since the womb until deceased, but the most people are disregard this values, in spite of it is on our faces entire the life period. There are many researches which has been operated research, experiment and proven regarding the benefits of smiling and discovered one smile is able to stimulate the brain as much as eating two thousand chocolate bars, it also reduces the level of stress hormone production and increases the level of happiness hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, dopamine and endorphins to be more likely as well. 

   Similarly, Pennsylvania State University also discovered the properties of smiling that as we smile, we are not only polite and courteous but it will also assist to increase and develop potential and ability in ourselves as well, due to smile is the human beauty which be able to create trust and good interactions together. Happiness is always within our faces all time, whether it is in gloominess, in happiness, in anger or in despair, as Canadian ice hockey player Tom Wilson says, “A smile is happiness you will find right under your nose”. Happiness is one of the factors which ecumenical populaces desire in their life and anticipated it persists to be with them forever due to various moments in their lives that will be magnificent and full of valuable memories in their spirits, the origin which be able to engender happiness is already on our faces. Therefore, be open-minded and smile. 

   “Every time you smile at someone it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing” – Mother Teresa.  

Smile is a term that always reminds us of a precious gift which is able to impel people and change the lives of ourselves, society and the world to be happier and better, it is as though fueling your family and people around you to the fullest every time. In some people’s viewpoint it might be the nonsensical behavior that kindergarten children do, or it is extremely disgraceful to do it, but smiling is the human’s wonder that nature has selected to provide as a gift to fellow human beings. Hence, don’t be ashamed to smile. Although, our smiles are distorted or graceless, because that is genuinely the most beautiful beauty of human beings.

By: Thakon Phewphong

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