Magics of Mathura-Vrindavan

By Devyani Shrivastava

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 Various places in this world have distinct features. The Euphoria and exhilaration drifting with a particular place cannot be compared with another one. Every place has its own significance. Similarly, there is ‘Mathura’- The Land of Lord Krishna, which is itself a thing to fascinate tourists.

‘Mathura – Vrindavan’ in India is one of the best places that one can head towards for experiencing divinity.

Primarily, the places which ‘Mathura‘ is equipped with are Temples. Apart from temples, and other religious places, the things which are of immense curiosity that one can encounter in ‘Mathura’ are:

  1. Notorious Monkeys

From being a partner in the stolen butter by Lord Krishna in that era to being a stakeholder in ‘Frootis’ bought by tourists, Monkeys are one of the things in which the soul of ‘Mathura’ lies. This will seem incredible and esoteric but it is true that monkeys of ‘Mathura – Vrindavan’ snatch spectacles of tourists and demand frooti from them. They retain and shatter the spectacles until they don’t get to enjoy the flavor and sweetness of ‘frooti’. If one doesn’t believe it, then have a trip to ‘Vrindavan’ wearing spectacles and get reminded by each and every person and shopkeeper out there on streets to remove your spectacles at every juncture.

2. Streets of ‘Gokul’

‘Gokul’ is the place where Lord Krishna was brought by ‘Vasudeva’ (his father) by a night long journey through river Yamuna immediately after his birth in the prison of the palace of king ‘Kansa’. The streets of ‘Gokul’ are something which reminds and takes you to a different world. The streets are narrow and small to a great extent. They have a different magic to show. All the charm of Mathura lies in these ‘small and narrow’ streets. In ‘Gokul’, there are small temples at frequent distances and it seems like that divinity radiates from each and every corner if one doesn’t see it by eyes but feels it by heart. The streets tell us the tale of ‘old Mathura’, not of the urbanized one.

3. Kusum Sarovar

Being one of the most aesthetic places in Mathura, ‘Kusum – Sarovar’ is a major attraction for tourists. It is equipped with umbrella-like structures around with a lake in the centre which is quite deep to have a person drown. This is a place to spend a whole day just sitting under rocky umbrellas’ roofs and glancing over the water or enjoying the panoramic view all around by standing at the top. It is the best place for couples to spend time and the major attraction is that the beauty of this place has been captured in some movies. One of them is ‘Luka – Chhuppi’ in which this place is depicted in many songs and this adds to things that attract tourists.

4. Nidhivan

One of the most popular spots for attracting tourists, Nidhivan is truly a forest filled with mystery. There are around sixteen thousand trees in the whole forest and every tree is connected to the other by its branches which raises the question about its reason which remains tangled. It is believed that every night, ‘Lord Krishna’ along with his ‘Gopikas’  come on the earth to perform ‘Rasleela’ (a form of dance) engulfed in love. This forest is certainly a place to venture out, filled with divinity and pilgrims that are themselves filled with devotion, getting in the forest of love and devotion, forgetting all the uncertainties and anxieties.

5. Janmashtami

‘Janmashtami’ is a festival that is celebrated not only in ‘Mathura’ but in entire ‘India’ as well as in some other parts of the world. It is celebrated to mark the Birth of ‘Lord Krishna’. Putting everything aside, the level of excitement and enthusiasm with which people are filled with to celebrate this festival of ‘love’ is beyond imagination. Filled with euphoria, they perform every ritual with care and love. All the temples are filled with devotees floating in the river of love and devotion. Marked with people keeping fast the whole day, preparing ‘Chhappan Bhog’ (A special sacred food consisting of ‘Fifty-six’ food items prepared for ‘Lord-Krishna’), dancing, singing, celebrating and many more, this is truly a celebration to witness.

6. Janmbhoomi

Last but not the least, ‘Janmbhoomi’ – the birthplace of ‘Lord Krishna’ is a place of immense significance. With the prison in which ‘Lord Krishna’ was born, the temples inside it, the tableau depicting various mythological stories and the most beautiful and exciting CAVE picturing the tales of that era, ‘Janmbhoomi’ is a place where one should have a visit. It is filled with divinity and beauty.

Lastly, ‘Mathura-Vrindavan’ is not just a place but a feeling and an emotion. People here are filled with hospitality and welcome everyone who’s out there to visit this place. The prayers of ‘Radhe-Radhe’ are on the lips of everyone out here. Innumerable temples are here manifesting classical architectural skills with drifting blessings and tranquility. All that is to be conveyed to the one reading is, Visit this place once in a lifetime and experience the unforeseen Divinity.

By Devyani Shrivastava


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