IELTS Preparation in 2021

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IELTS is a vital step for all of those who wish to reside, study, and work in an English-speaking country. There are plenty of studying materials for all kind of topics, subjects, and tests on the Internet. For instance, one can count on essay pro, on free test materials, on reading materials, and others. So, you can take a look at them when you need something to study on in 2021. But what can you look into when you desire to take the IELTS? Well, here we are to help you with that.

Study Vocabulary

When you are learning English, you should understand how to place the necessary words into the proper context. For better comprehension on how to do so you should read as frequently as possible. Your vocabulary will grow larger the more you read. When you do it, check the words you don’t know, highlight them, and try to understand them from the context. After trying to do so, see the dictionary to learn their meaning. Try to comprehend various materials, even if they are different. For instance, you can listen to news in English. That will allow you to learn many new words. After learning something new or something what you are interested in (finance, music, etc.), try to use it as much as possible.

If you frequently use new words, you shall find it helpful for learning fluent English speech. It has been shown that 10-20 repetitions are necessary if one wishes to root the word in their mind.

If a particular expression can be used in academic context, record it. Record phrases, as well. Check how words are arranged in a monolingual dictionary. Don’t pay too much attention to highly specialized words. Practice talking and writing on academic context in English. Use news websites, newspapers, and magazines to learn new vocabulary.

Practice Reading

When you wish to live, learn, and work in foreign country, you need to have a good basis of English foremost and you need to teach yourself to recognize the meaning of new words. If you desire to achieve that, you should make sure that you aren’t translating everything in your head to your language.

When you are reading, scan the text to understand it at the bigger scale. Make sure you understand the task at hand. Pay attention to all the instructions. See the organization and the content of the text for clues. Key vocabulary can sometimes be explained in the given text. Use dictionary only once you have done the task and seen the answers.

Learn to Write

Remember, there are tasks for writing when you need to complete the IELTS test. Practice writing under a short time interval to improve your speed skills. Only write answers at or above the minimum length. Ensure enough time for Task 2.

Now, for Task 1 you should describe not the diagram, but the information provided. Next, select what features and figures can support what you have stated. In order to make sure you will be able to complete that, practice with charts, diagrams, and graphs on the Internet or on a newspaper.

For Task 2, you need to carefully understand the question and analyze it. Then make a short plan of the writing, at about a paragraph. Check if you have addressed all the question’s parts. Leave enough time for necessary edits. Know what mistakes you commonly make and check if you’ve made them.

Exercise Your Pronunciation

Part of IELTS is the speaking section that has three parts – a structured interview, then a short talk and last, but not least, a free interview. You will need to talk about several brief concerns on topics that are familiar and you will need to talk about them for about five minutes.

Be prepared to talk for a couple of minutes in the section with the short talk. You will have a minute for preparing yourself for the discussion. The speaking section generally takes about four minutes.

What you need to do prior it is practice consistently. When you are using the correct pronunciation or new words, you will need to practice the leaned things and, by doing so, you will connect that to things you already know.

If you wish to be fluent, practice long talks. Speak aloud in English in order to hear how you are pronouncing the words. Record yourself while speaking.

Listen to English as frequently as possible. Repeat the phrases you hear in recordings so that you learn how to speak in paragraphs, rather than simple words.

Practice Listening

When you are doing the test, use the time for preparation to make sure you are focused and attentive. Understand what you are asked to do and check what the instructions are. While you are preparing, make sure you are giving yourself enough practice with spoken English.


There are various other tips and tricks that can help you prepare for IELTS in 2021, but we tried to show you some of the most beneficial ones. You should make a throughout research on how the exam is taken, what are the necessary things, what will you need to do, and then make sure you have practiced each of the required skills. Emerge yourself in the English language as much as possible. That will allow you to start thinking in English and gain fluency.

Laura Fields is a writer with a strong interest in the topic of education. She strives to understand and teach different topics, skills, and necessities that students may require in their day-to-day life.


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