How to focus on writing an essay?

By: Ishan Tripathi

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What is focus? Focus is diverting your thinking ability and power for some time, to achieve a fruitful result. All the great gifts of the human civilization are the result of long and arduous effort in focusing towards a bounteous end.

Writing an inspiring essay requires focus, dedication and concentration. So, focus is a very vital ingredient in writing an essay.

To focus on writing an essay you should get rid of all the distraction which you encounter while focusing. Topsy Gift said “Distraction is a killer of dreams, visions and goals”. Distraction is like an obstacle which every human encounters when he is trying to get ahead in life or time.

Turn on your airplane mode, increase the altitude of your mental caliber, and turn on your stealth mode. Then, you will be able to write essays which will have the tendency to shake the grounds and the skies and the oceans and the ocean floors.

You should also undertake sufficient research on the essay’s topic so that lack of knowledge does not get you down. Knowledge is only potential power. This potential power of knowledge is materliased as soon as you start writing your essay.

Knowledge about your topic will help you to stay on track with your essay. Once you have secured a certain amount of specialized knowledge, your pen will automatically start to move when you sit down to write your essay. You also won’t have to Google your way through the topic while writing, thus decreasing distraction.

To focus on anything, you have to be dedicated to your cause. In this case, writing an essay is your cause. Once your mindset is tilted towards writing, you will gradually start to enjoy it. And when you start enjoying it, you will not want to stop. But to rewire your brain, you will have to endure writing in the beginning.

At this point dedication will come to your rescue for writing. A dedicated person is sure to find a way through anything. A dedicated mind will attract the circumstances which will help it to go ahead in that direction. A dedicated team will navigate through un-navigable waters to find the treasures which they seek.

A dedicated spirit will not stop until it has found that which it is seeking. The magnitude of dedication will determine how far you will go in life. And dedication is like a muscle, the more you use it, the better it becomes. So, why don’t you start exercising dedication by writing essays?

The most important ingredient is a burning desire to write essays. Napoleon Hill said “The starting point of all achievements is desire”. When you truly desire something, you put your energies in pursuit of that desire. Desire gives us access to our untapped inner resources which we never thought we possessed.

Desire is the root of all triumphs in the world. The desire of anything increases with the acquisition of it. This is the reason, why really successful people become more successful with the passage of time. And great essay writers write even better essays with the passage of time.

Desire is like coal of boiler; it is what keeps us going through hard times and hardships; it keeps us going through storms and thunders; it keeps us going through heartaches and heart breaks. It is the desire which fuels you to reach your destinies.

The last prerequisite to focus while writing our essays is to just keep writing. That’s right! Keep writing! Be so absorbed in your work that not even a mosquito can distract you. When you are truly engaged in a work, you forget about everything else in this multiverse. You just keep on!

When Louis Pasteur was working in his laboratories, he did not feel any exhaustion or tiredness; but when he went home he became exhausted and felt sleepy. How is this possible? Because he was so keenly and fully immensely immersed in his work that he did not feel any exhaustion, pain or distraction. So, in the same way you could also intrigue yourself into writing your essays.

By intriguing yourself you would also not feel exhaustion, tiredness, hunger, pain or other emotional and physical volatilities.

When you throw your very life into writing essays, you will find that you will not need these tips and tricks to focus on your work. When you will be committed to writing your essays, you will find that as soon as you start writing, the whole world starts to fade away, and when you will finish writing, you will realize that while writing you were lifted to a whole new altitude of the mind, where you did not find or even met a single distraction. Such are the treasures of the human mind.

By: Ishan Tripathi

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