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New Year’s Eve is one of the biggest global festivities since, in the Gregorian calendar, it marks the last day of the year, December 31, the day before the New Year. So, no matter where you are in the world, the count-down to the New Year. This was initiated in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII and accepted in several parts of Europe but was not used in various countries until centuries later. With great passion and excitement, New Year’s Day is celebrated worldwide. This day is the festival where joy is spread everywhere by an entire society and their feeling of pleasure is shared. On this particular day, both children and young adults are pleased. Some people celebrate by holding worship services at midnight, and others crowd together in public spaces for the closing seconds of the old year to count down. Most arrange parties to say goodbye to the final year and mark the day. Along with the themes, the scale of festive activities can vary. In major cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Chennai, huge live concerts are organized where Bollywood stars and celebrities assemble and participate in the event. There are thousands of tourists coming to see these festivities. The radio outlets or media channels on television have broadcast several programming arranged by individuals on this day.

New Year’s Eve 2021 is going to look a lot of poles apart from the celebration of last year. The pandemic has brought us all the experience of a new time. Not only has the pandemic acted as a visceral warning that anything unforeseen will fall on our well-thought-out road, blocking all development. It has also left the course uncertain beyond the pandemic. Living through several months of pandemic instability and limitations has certainly given several individuals a fairly clear sense of the personal vulnerabilities to which this restricted existence chafes. Any individual may be unable to maintain their equilibrium. For some, they can be made crazy by the loss of friends and even casual acquaintances. Others may be panting to get to the gym again. These personal pressure points will give individuals an indication of what resolutions they should make. Addressing these particular points can allow individuals to take care of themselves well enough to meet the end of the pandemic with a semblance of healthy physical and mental health. Instead of going out to the city for a weekend, plenty of us will settle down on the lounger for an evening. And instead of ringing hundreds of friends in 2021, our guest lists will be limited to the persons who live in our homes. But only because the holiday in 2021 is new doesn’t suggest it can’t be as joyful, celebratory, and significant as it was in previous years. You can throw an amazing New Year’s Eve party right at home with the right amount of preparation. For the whole world, which we are part of until this moment, New Year has been replaced by ‘New Standard’. The dynamics of looking at life have certainly shifted and forced us to reconsider some issues relevant to the resolutions we made back then. The resolutions we make are going to be a result of the tough times today as we await 2021. In 2021, we should look forward to staying focused on priorities and expectations and helping each other during the year, to stop dining out, one should stick to home-cooked meals as far as possible. The goal for the New Year is to treat the whole world as our own home. With such consideration, we handle the grounds of our real homes and do just the same when it comes to Mother Earth. Current pandemics have become means by nature to get back at us and let us all know that it’s all about what goes around. You will have additional time to focus on your New Year’s goals because you’re staying home this year. Aim to cover a lot of baskets to get ready to have the best year ever, such as career, fitness, investments, and self-care. By harvesting any bright spots or gems that have exposed themselves during this extraordinary period, approaching 2021 resolutions may help to light a new direction to take after the pandemic has ended.

“Let 2021 be the year of refinements you have all been waiting for when the changeover is looming– Inspiring readers to transform for goodness.”

By Sofia Khanam


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