By Nidhi A. Lakhani

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We all have a gorgeous FAMILY TREE. In which each member plays an unique-vital role. But God has given a graceful twin-gift. Among these one is ‘FATHER’ and other is ‘MOTHER’. What a super-combo gift God has given!

They are like two eyes of a person. One can’t say which eye had a great vision or which eye looks everything clearly. Both are vital and play an equal role of vision. In the same way one can’t say who is more essential for the family, mother or father. Because mother is SOUL of a family and father is BLOOD of a family.

In our family tree also mother acts like BRANCHES and father acts like ROOT of a tree. And we are the SWEET FRUIT AND FLOWERS of the  wonderful family tree. When the mother is the birth giver then the father is the caretaker. When the mother is the sky of love, then the father is the hope of the moon.

So there is no comparison between the significance of mother and father. Maybe there are no sufficient words to praise their glory and that’s why someone has given one heroic name ‘SUPERHERO’ for the significance of father.

Just as the burden of a tree arises on their roots, similarly the burden of a family arises on their father. And this is the reason why father has been called ROOT of a family tree.

Do you know why father has been called BLAZE of lamp? As the blaze of a lamp burns to light up the house in the same way a father burns his happiness and peace for filling his family with a bunch of smiles, joy and contentment.

Without counting his stress, sleepless nights, comfort living, joy the father works tirelessly for the pleasure of his family. But the thing is many times his efforts remain unnoticed.

 We all have respect and value for our mother. But at the same time we forget the selfless service of our father. And for recognizing his good deeds we started celebrating ‘FATHER’S DAY’.


The celebration of Father’s Day  for the first time started by a woman namely Grace Golden Clayton in the memory of  ‘SAINT JOSEPH’ in Catholic Europe.

During 1970 the Europe faced a tragic disaster of MONONGAH MINING. This incident took the lives of many men around 361 men. And nearly 250 children lost an elegant bonding with their father.

On the proposal of Grace Golden Clayton the government of Europe declared that day as ‘FATHER’S DAY’. Because she was one of those 250 children and also lost her father in that tragic disaster.

For praising honour to all unfortunate deaths of fathers USA began celebrating Father’s Day and not only in USA but worldwide we celebrate 21 JUNE AS ‘FATHER’S DAY’.


Ordinarily children love to wish for a special ceremony around 12 AM. Also some children loves to wish their father ‘HAPPY FATHER’S DAY’ by surprise cake cutting strategy. But some like to wish in the early morning and by the way of planning dinner dates outside.

For adding cherry on cake children also give surprise presents to their father. And in very beginning of the day social media sites becomes full of post with sweet memories of FATHER AND KIDS.

From morning to night that day becomes so special and of togetherness for the entire family especially for the kids and fatter. On that day all together eat, drink, play, sing, dance, collect sweet memories and enjoy a lot!


The way of Father’s Day celebration differs from youngsters to elders from many angles. Youngsters celebrate Father’s Day on 21 JUNE but our elders likes to celebrate Father’s Day on 02 OCTOBER.

DO you remember what is on 02 OCTOBER? ‘GANDHI JAYANTI’ how can one forget ‘MAHATMA GANDHI’ the Father of our Nation.

Today we are living a peaceful and secured life just because of the good deeds and Satyagraha movements of Gandhiji. As the prime responsibility of a father is to secure his family, the Father of our Nation did the same. He fulfilled his responsibility by relieving and securing our lives from the slavery of Britishers.

By remembering his good deeds our elders celebrate 02 OCTOBER as ‘FATHER’S DAY’ the birthday of GANDHIJI.


One can say that father is an idol of sacrifices. And Father’s Day is not only a one day celebration, it should be celebrated everyday.

Fathers too deserve a special touch of love, care and glory everyday not only for the particular day.

Let’s change one’s perspective by making our father jolly daily, not for one particular day.

By Nidhi A. Lakhani, Gujarat


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