5 TikTok Marketing Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

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TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms in China. It’s also one that many Western businesses are trying to get into. However, if you want to be successful on TikTok and grow your business, there are some mistakes you should avoid at all costs!

Creating an account without a clear strategy

The first thing to keep in mind when creating a TikTok account is that you need to create a strategy before starting. This means answering the following questions:

  • What is your goal? Are you interested in getting new tiktok followers, or do you just want to see if people are watching your content?
  • Who are your followers/viewers/users? If they’re all teenagers and 20-somethings who live in cities like New York or Los Angles, then maybe it’s best for them not to know what TikTok is at all. They may not want their parents seeing them using it!
  • How will people find out about this platform? Will there be an ad campaign promoting its existence online? Or will someone tell them on social media instead? Either way, something needs done here so that everyone knows how TikTok works so they can get involved as soon as possible!

Assuming that your target audience is on TikTok

It is important to remember that TikTok is a social platform. If you’re not engaging with your audience, they won’t come back.

TikTok is also a mobile app with the provision of havoing tiktok followers. If you expect people to watch the videos on their phones, they will need to be mobile-friendly!

Finally, TikTok has become known for short videos. This means that longer content may not get as many views as it would if it were posted elsewhere.

Using low-quality content

You should also make sure that the content you are posting is relevant to your audience and high quality. High-quality videos will engage viewers, keep them watching, and ultimately get more views for you on TikTok.

In addition to being engaging, relatable and authentic. It’s important that all of your posts are consistent with each other as well as with other similar content on TikTok (or anywhere else).

Not leveraging influencers

Influencers are the lifeblood of TikTok. They’re the ones who can help you reach a new audience and engage with your existing one. That is why it’s so important to leverage their influence when possible. But influencer marketing isn’t just about reaching new audiences. It’s also about building trust and promoting content. So, make sure your influencer marketing efforts are focused on these goals as well.

How do you find an influencer? 

To start with, there are plenty of tools out there that will help you find them (and other relevant information). If there aren’t any readily available lists online yet then ask yourself what kind(s) of content would be relevant for reaching this group? What type(s) of audience does this person target? Do any particular demographics seem especially relevant to this particular user base? What types of videos do they make specifically because those viewers watch them specifically

Not engaging with your audience

We’re all about making sure that you’re engaging with your audience, but it’s important to make sure you’re doing it right. If a user comments on one of your videos and asks for more content, respond by saying “yes” or “I’ll see what I can do.” If they ask a question in the comments section, answer it!

If someone leaves a negative comment, don’t ignore them. Instead, reach out to them personally (or via email) and try to resolve any issues they might be having with the product/service. This way they’ll feel like their concerns were heard—and hopefully help spread word of mouth advertising for future videos by yours truly!

Leverage the power of TikTok to grow your business.

The power of TikTok is immense. TikTok is a great place to find new customers, engage with existing ones and promote your brand. In addition, it’s an ideal platform for building relationships with influencers and other business owners who can help you grow your business.

It is a great platform to grow yourself and your brand. You should take full advantage of it and use it to market your brand.


It’s clear that TikTok is an incredibly powerful tool for businesses of all kinds. It allows you to reach a wide audience and engage with them on their terms, which can lead to successful campaigns. Make sure you take the time to plan out your strategy before jumping into the app though! It’s easy for mistakes to happen when there aren’t any clear rules about what should happen when or how often we should post on TikTok. 

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