Open Letter to the Participants

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We are happy to announce the result. It was a tedious task to judge so many good essays. We congratulate all the participants.

The reviews done in three layers

1.       Screening:

Here, screenings of all the essays are done with respect to guidelines and plagiarism.  

2.       Review

Review of the SCREENED essays are done through 5 reviewers who give marks to each essays

With respect to specific parameters such as

a.       Originality of ideas

b.      Writing skill

c.       Structure of the essay

d.      Innovative facts

e.      Grammatical mistakes etc.

3.       Judgment

Judgments is done by the signatory members on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates.

No argument related to the judgment process will be entertained. Please refrain mailing us asking why you are not the winner. We just can convey that the process is very transparent.

Important Deadlines

Last date of Submission: 25th mid night of every month (25th November 2020)
Acknowledgement of your email/submission of your essay: After 26th of every month (26th November 2020)
Result announcement: First week of next month (before 7th December 2020)
Result announcement: Through email, Facebook, Instagram
Replies of your queries: Only through email after 26th of every month (26th November 2020)
Issue of certificates: on or before 25th of next Month (25th December 2020)
We prefer to clear your doubts through emails. Have patience. You cannot expect quick replies, because of very high volumes of mails, we cannot reply to all the mails. The process is streamlined, all the guidelines are mentioned. You are requested to read the full guidelines before raising any queries. Most of the queries will be answered if you read the full guidelines.

Important points and ANNOUNCEMENTS:

· The physical prize for above 14 years old category: First (Trophy), Second- One winner will receive medal and three other winners will receive customized mobile cases worth 450INR each, sponsored by, Third- One winner will receive medal and and 10 other winners will receive coupons of 300INR -[Two coupons of 150INR] offered by Below 14 years category: First (Trophy/medal and Travel Box), Second and third will get password of paid ebook.

  • Participation certificate will be provided only to the eligible participants

·         If you are not getting the certificate this time, please do not dishearten. It is a monthly contest. You are encouraged to participate again after following all the guidelines and improved essays. There is nothing to lose in this platform. There is plethora of opportunities. Just you need to open your eyes. Please check this flow chart which describes various opportunities to win prizes.

·         If you do not receive the participation certificate before 25th September, please mail us (only after 25th October)

·         Please directly contact the sponsors for the queries related to the gift coupons. We do not have any role in this. We only sponsor trophies and books along with certificates. If you are not happy with the coupons, we cannot help you. Please try to understand. This is not a platform to make money or earn. This is a platform to engage in writing. There is no hidden agenda.

·         Reviews are done mostly by different reviewers in different months.

·         We received many very good essays, so we have decided to create a series of ebooks/printed books, which will be available on our website, amazon and kindle. The upcoming book will be published on the topic Mystery using your essays and stories. Please check the details through this link. Click here

·         The ebook will be given free to all the authors

·        Now our platform Weaver Magazine for submitting your essays by yourself is ready. Once we mail you to upload your article/essays, you can do it yourself. Some articles will be published by us . Other articles which are not published by us can be uploaded by yourself for review. Once approved, your article will be live with your name and profile. The stepwise process for submitting your essay is shown in this YouTube Link.

·      Once the article is approved and published, you will have opportunity to win the prizes. Please check the details here

You are encouraged to participate in quarterly Creative Writing Contest

This platform is made for writers like you and it will be grown by writers like you. we are just a medium. Many past participants joined the team voluntarily and doing excellent to promote creative writing in their spare time. You are welcome.


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