Kisan Divas

By J Pragati Bai

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Kisan divas also known as farmer’s day is being celebrated on the birth anniversary of Chaudhary Charan Singh on 23rd December since 2001. It is celebrated for the hard work of farmers who feed us even though they strive of hunger and also to encourage the agricultural sector which is the backbone or spine of our society that has lost attraction and importance when industries and factory emerged. But it regained its importance with the establishment of green revolution by M.S. Swaminathan in India.

 Green Revolution was  launched mainly for rice and wheat. Mexico and Indian subcontinent were most benefited by the green revolution. It developed employment opportunities and encouraged the agricultural sector from urban areas and increased agricultural production. Americans which was one of the larger importers of wheat has become one of the largest exporters of wheat through the Green revolution.

 Many schemes for welfare of farmers are enacted on this day, celebrated and inaugurated by great leaders. Likewise in 2020 The Prime Minister Modi introduced three farm laws for the marginal farmers but in vain that the farmers are against it.

Chaudhary Charan Singh

     Chaudhary charan singh was born on 23rd December 1902 in Uttar Pradesh who was our  5th Prime Minister of India who held the government for a short period of time between 1979 and 1980. But within this short duration he launched many schemes like debt redemption bills to free moneylenders. He dedicated his entire life for the farmers. He is the first Prime Minister to be from a farmer family. He founded kisan trust on December 23 which is a non political and non profitable house for sharing and solving the sorrows of farmers. During his tenure he spread awareness about the farmer’s problems in the country. His favoured quotes are “JAI JAWAN JAI KISAN ” which was given by Lal Bahadur Shastri and “THE TRUE INDIA RESIDES IN ITS VILLAGE”. He is the one who abolished the Zamindari system.  He had  not only served as Prime Minister but also as a finance minister and  chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for two times. At last chaudhary charan singh died on 29th may 1987 and his memorial was named as Kisan Ghat.

2020 kisan divas against farmer’s willing

  The theme of kisan divas 2020 is “Powering the farmers, make prosperity to India”. 2020 kisan diwas was celebrated in Delhi amidst theme of kisan divas 2020 is “Powering the farmers, make prosperity to India”. 2020 kisan divas was celebrated in Delhi amidst the protest of farmers around Delhi and surrounding Kisan Ghat.  The schemes instituted before 2020 had benefited farmers in some ways be protest of farmers around Delhi and surrounding Kisan Ghat.  The schemes instituted before 2020 had benefited farmers in some ways but the farm laws enacted this 2020 has brought distrust among farmers since they believed it will profit the private investors in the agriculture sector which would reduce the cost price of the farmers and completely deny the independency of farmers  on farm and trade. Some agreed with the law but some still protesting to replace the laws. Many from Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh had  gathered in Delhi borders protesting to withdraw the laws. 11 rounds for talks has been gone but ended in vein.

The three farm laws which was passed on September 2020  are

  • The farmers’ produce trade and commerce act
  • The essential commodities act
  • The farmers agreement on price assurance and farm services act  

Kisan divas and pongal     

   Pongal is celebrated mainly in India, a Tamil culture festival for praising   Lord Sun for sunlight and also for the hard work of the farmer in the month of January every year. Malaysia,  Singapore and Sri Lanka also celebrate pongal. But kisan divas are celebrated throughout the world but on different days according to the country. In America it is celebrated on October 12 and in China it falls on the same date as the Chinese New Year.

     Though the agricultural field is still in dark when compared urban companies it has gained eye of urbans due to covid 19 since a lot of private investors and labours, street vendors, and the ones who depend on their daily wages has migrated to farming. Kisan divas should be celebrated by each individual to enhance agriculture and employment in this field as major populations are transforming to urban wages unless covid. Many awareness programmes should be campaigned to spread the problems faced by the farmers and organisations should be formed to explain various farming methods which may increase the yield and production reducing worries since there is no accuracy about rainfall caused by climate change.        

    ​​​​​​India  posses three fourth of its population who are  depending on agriculture. India should be thankful  to have land which suits for farming but the people and government are not utilising it properly instead wasting on building, apartments, flats and business and mining a huge amount of natural resources. Instead of raising factories and industries anymore, we can increase our fertility of our soil by agriculture, farming or even forestry. The government should also implement many schemes for the establishment of forests instead of funding private business for establishment of factories which will definitely worsen India further. If the government  of India wishes to see  development by factories and  industries then launch factories by  itself (government sector) without supporting the private investors which won’t obey the laws and which is the one  that accounts for major pollution of water, air and soil and even noise. All these perspectives will definitely contribute to the farmers in some ways.         

   So only through the combined effort of people and the government can we help farmers which won’t happen just by implementing schemes or acts or by just celebrating it every year.

By J Pragati Bai, Tamil Nadu


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