The Impact of Plastic Pollution in the World

By: Azanafee Faranaaz Sufrauj

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Plastic pollution has come to be one of the most serious environmental issues of the 21 st
century. Its origins were traced back to the early 20 th century. At that time, plastic materials
were first developed for commercial use. Today, the proliferation of plastic products has
changed modern life, by bringing convenience. Nevertheless, plastic pollution has adversely
affected the ecosystems, human health and the global economy.

Plastic products have been produced and discarded in large volume worldwide. As per the
estimates, over 300 million tons of plastic are produced on an annual basis. A figure that has
been continuously increasing in the last 70 years. The worst part of it is that a considerable
portion of the plastic is used by only one person and is thrown away once used. Items such
as plastic bottles and plastic bags and packaging contribute to a numerous amount of waste
that goes in the landfills and pollutes our oceans.

Impact of Plastic Pollution

First of all, plastic pollution causes alarming consequences on the marine life. People usually
see the oceans as a dumping ground for plastic waste. As a result, it leads to the
accumulation of numerous “garbage patches”, the most infamous of which is the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch”. Unfortunately, marine animals mistake the plastic materials in the
oceans for food and when they ingest these materials, it leads to their death. |In addition,
plastics can entangle marine mammals and also birds, leading to injuries and death. The loss
of biodiversity in the marine ecosystems can disrupt food chains provoking an ecological
imbalance that not only affect marine animals but also human communities who count on
healthy marine systems.

Moreover, plastic pollution also affected human heath seriously. Tiny little plastic particles
less than five millimetres in size have infiltrated our food and water supplies, creating
awareness about their effects on human health. Studies have detected microplastics in
diverse products such as seafood and drinking water. Many researches have been done into
the potential health risks of microplastics and there are concerns that they may carry toxic
chemicals, thereby leading to health issues such as hormonal disruptions and a high risk of
cancer. Additionally, the incineration of plastic waste releases harmful chemicals in the air
which contribute to the respiratory diseases and the degradation of the environment.
Furthermore, the persistence of plastic in the environment causes long-term issues as
plastics do not decompose easily. Many plastics can take hundreds or even thousands of
years to decompose. When they do breakdown, they fragment into microplastics which

unfortunately spread even further into the ecosystems. Subsequently, this indestructibility
creates a continuous cycle of pollution, unless major changes are made on how to produce
and consume plastics ad how to dispose them.

Solutions to Plastic Pollution

When people are recognizing the serious consequences of plastic pollution, this is leading to
a surge in efforts to combat this crisis. International organizations, governments, and non-
profits movements are raising awareness and implement policies to diminish the use of
plastic. Initiatives like banning the single use of plastics and promoting circular economy are
on the rise in the world. In addition, educational campaigns are being done to inform
consumers about the impacts and destructive effects of plastics.


In short, plastic pollution represents a serious challenge that the world is facing today, by
affecting the human health and environment. While the scale of the issue is daunting, to
recognize its impact has led to take action against the crisis in the world. Ultimately, society
can move towards a future where plastic pollution is significantly decreased by working
collaborate to reduce plastic consumption, improve waste management practices and
develop a circular economy. A future without plastic pollution requires commitment and
determination, but the benefits of achieving a cleaner and sustainable environment are
worth the effort.

By: Azanafee Faranaaz Sufrauj

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