Saving The Unsaved _World Conservation Day

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As we look around near us and in the world, we can easily notice a variety of flora and fauna in our garden, zoos, tourist places and dense forests all around the globe. What are these things whose tranquility boosts our endurance and mesmerizes us? Actually, this is the beauty of nature; its bio-diversity and aesthetic value in form of fauna and flora. However, due to rise in population during the past centuries, the variety of wonderful gifts of nature_ forest, animals and water are depleting rapidly. What is the reason behind it? The main reason of this vast destruction is man`s greed.

The greed of man has knew no bounds since they started their own civilizations. Various developments of human civilization_ in form of buildings, tombs, pillars and many more_ have taken place, and it has led to decrease in forest cover, deforestation, tsunami, etc. since human civilization started.

Here are a few examples in which man`s irresponsibility caused destruction to nature and mankind. One of the disasters is the Bhopal gas Tragedy, which has put a black mark in Indian history. At 1:17 am, in the night of 3 December 1984, Bhopal Gas Tragedy occurred. The incident was around the time when the CEO_  Suman Dey, the controller in operator room of Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) in Bhopal had lost all his hope to prevent the killer gas from leaking out of the Tank-E610. Precipitously, the streets in the city of Bhopal got filled with thousands of gasping and coughing people. Due to a minor leakage of tank, this blast was caused, which had been noticed by Suman at 11:30 pm(2nd  December). He had never thought that a minor leakage could lead to such a devastating disaster. Over 40 ton of Methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas covered half a million inhabitants, and numerous people were coughing and choking to death on the road as they ran. Many of these people decided to jump into the nearby lakes as they were suffering from severe irritation in their eyes. But unfortunately, the air they were inhaling had become poisonous till that time. Instantly, local hospitals got filled with masses of patients with breathing problems. Further, that black night took thousands of lives immediately. When the sun rose in the morning, it was a grim sight in the city. The streets were littered with countless dead bodies of a variety of living organisms who were alive till last night_ humans, cats, dogs, cows, buffaloes. The “City of Lakes” had turned into City of Dead overnight. It was the world’s horrible industrial disaster so far. 

Another instance, when mankind and biodiversity have suffered is also frightening and terrifying. The Indian Ocean earthquake and Tsunami have occurred since 2004 at the west coast of Sumatra, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries. Indian Ocean Tsunami is one of the deadliest natural disasters, so far, in history of India. If there had been no tsunami, then countless lives would have been saved. It has been over a decade since that frightful tsunami occurred, but its impact of tsunami can still be noticed in hearts of Indians. According to a research, about 32 percent natural disasters are caused by floods, which causes death of about 32 percent of the deaths in the world. Secondly, hurricanes consist of about 30 percent of the disasters in the world that causes deaths of 32 percent of the dead in the world. Then, the rest disasters are landslides and earthquakes. So, to control theses disasters, a strategy should be made by government with help of the literates of the country. Further, donations for the victims should be raised through those who are willing to donate; who want to volunteer in awareness programmes; who want the betterment of the country; and who have ideas to tackle the flood and landslide situation. Actually, the reason for disaster is man`s greed which causes harmful effects for those who are even not involved in doing greedy things for money. Regarding greed, It is also rightly said by Mahatma Gandhi_India`s father of nation:” There is enough resources provided by nature for man`s need but not for man`s greed”. This states that the nature is beautiful, splendid and great, and it has also provided abundant facilities for the benefits of mankind, but it cannot fulfill man`s greed because greed is limitless. There is no end of greed, and it always leads to downfall of people. Further, the beauty of nature is mesmerizing, tranquil and soothing, which needs to be protected. The scene of the dawn, the orange colored sunset mesmerizes everyone along the sea-shore. Nevertheless, there are plentiful of wastes, which are thrown by people. Not only it destroys the beauty of nature but also makes it unpleasant. No matter whatever we do on beaches, but we should, atleast, keep it clean.

The third incidence is the well known COVID-19 from which the word has been fighting since all the shops, schools and offices including public buildings were closed in March, 2019.  Despite of the guidelines made by government, some people, still, do not follow it strictly such as wearing masks; maintaining social distancing; reducing of crowds in markets and public places; and helping the government in fight back the  COVID-19. Unless we join hands and unite, we cannot save our biodiversity and life from COVID-19.There is also a saying: “WHEN UNITED WE STAND AND WHEN DIVIDED WE FALL EASILY.” 

The elements like air, minerals, forests, soil, water and wildlife, including endangered animals, are earth`s natural resources essential for existence of every living creature. Conservation means abundant care and protection of these priceless resources so that they can be preserved for future generations. In addition to that, it also includes the maintaining diversity of species, genes and ecosystems. 

What is the necessity of nature conservation?

In our day to day life, nature has provided us all the things that are essentials for our daily needs. Due to overpopulation and human negligence, we have started to over-exploit our resources. If this continues, there will be no resources left for our successors on earth. So, there is a need to conserve the resources. Some steps that can be followed are:

  • Supporting life by maintaining ecological balance
  • Ensuring that the future generations will be able to access the resources
  • Preserving the biodiversity
  • Ensuring human race survives.

Causes of Conserving the Rich and Beneficial Biodiversity

  1. FOR SURVIVAL: Without plants and animals, the existence is impossible for the whole civilization of living beings.


  1. The reason for the above is that plants give nutritious food items to us which give nutrition that encompasses ingestion, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion.
  2. It can also be termed as the science which decodes the nutrients and other substances in food in connection to nourishment, enlargement, reproduction, vigour and recovering the ailment of an organism.
  3. Moreover, In living beings, a frail diet can cause deficiency-related disorders such as blindness; anaemia; scurvy due to deficiency of vitamin C; preterm birth; stillbirth; and nutrient excess health-threatening conditions such as adiposity and metabolic syndrome.
  4.  Many other prevalent chronic systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other diseases can also take place.
  5. Volcanic activities are also a cause of deforestation.
  • Plants, through the process of photosynthesis, prepare food for us which helps in our survival. On the other hand, animals release carbon dioxide required by plants for the photosynthesis process.
  • Moreover, flesh of animals like hen and goat are eaten by humans for nutrition. The eggs of hen, a rich source of protein, are also eaten.
  • Then, in addition to that, faeces of animals can also be used as manure for maintaining proper crop growth.
  • They have aesthetic value which boosts income through tourism; further, it also creates new jobs for people.
  1. Increase in species of animals
  2. Reduction of natural calamities_ranging from landslides, tsunamis, floods to other man made disasters.
  3. Increase in forest cover
  4. Increase of employment
  5. Increase of biodiversity
  6. Increase of food supplies
  7. Increase in income
  8. Splendid availability of resources
  9. Favorable Weather conditions: Trees, through transpiration, make the environment cool
  10. Increase in rainfall
  11. The person, cutting trees, should be penalized and made to plant double the number of trees that he had cut earlier.

In my opinion, the larger is the biodiversity, the more is the number of resources for mankind. Since population has been rising rapidly since the last few decades, they should be enlightened about the importance of trees. The use of electronic media and print should be encouraged regarding publishing news to encourage everyone to plant higher number of trees .Then, there will be lesser number of  natural calamities.


The toll of deaths can be easily controlled by reducing the natural calamities such as landslides, earthquakes, floods and tsunami.  A variety of ways are present to reduce natural calamities_  spreading awareness through governmental and non-governmental programs ; creating various apps for educational purpose of biodiversity ; increasing the number of shelters for relief of victims of natural calamities and disasters. A small portion of our effort can save thousands of life. The citizens of various nations should ask “why?” to the number of deaths. The government should answer their questions. People should send some advices to government; donate some money to the victims of natural calamities; help in spreading awareness in public regarding conservation of biodiversity; and encourage participation in voluntary programmes. Therefore, the slogan to save biodiversity is : “Anyone can destroy anything within a fraction of second but creating the same takes a long time” and “Save the biodiversity then you will be saved from dreadful calamities.”



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