How To Make Homemade Microscope

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While sitting idle at home, one can make best use of time by spending it into making and learning something desirable and advantageous. There are tremendous things to learn, either with the assistance of internet or elders.Well,let me put up some important things to learn,like,for instance, one can utilise waste materials to make technological items, fashionable clothes and several other things.

Here, I would like to bring into spotlight ‘a microscope’- a device consisting of a shorter focal length,that helps doctors and scientists to look a nano-sized molecule(not visible from naked eyes).


This technology came into existence in 1590 with the help of two Dutch spectacle makers and father-and-son team Zacharias Janseen and Hans. Objects that are not within the resolution range of the normal eye or one can also say nano – sized objects (range below 10 to the power -9 nm) that are not possible to see from unaided eyes can easily be visible with the help of a microscope. If I talk about its types then it mainly consists of three types: optical microscope, electron microscope and scanning probe microscope. Since health specialists, who are too humans like us, are unable to watch small bacterias and viruses present on our hands and other objects that subsequently causes infectious diseases, as the example is already visible around the world i.e., COVID-19- a pandemic, are easily visible thorough microscope

What happens is that we don’t feel its need unless we are employed as a some kind of health specialists or scientists, so we don’t invest money on purchasing such a costly machine The best we can do is to make from our own hands from easily available materials and use it effectively to look how clean are hands are.

Materials required

In order to make a microscope, sitting at home and getting a bit bored from our daily manoeuvres, one need following materials:

  • Laser light
  • Injection body(3)
  • Small size magnets(2)
  • A cardboard (23cm * 20cm)
  • A thermocol, and
  • A gluegun

Step by step procedure

So let’s start step by step, without squandering much time

  • Take a small piece of a thermocol ( 6cm*3cm) and stick it in between one of the longer side of a cardboard with the help of a gluegun.
  • Now, take one of the injection body and remove its reciprocating screw, alongwith that cut its nozzle with the help of a knife and then get it stuck vertically on the thermocol.
  • Pick up another injection body and again remove its reciprocating screw out.After that removal(remember not to cut the nozzle this time), get it stuck on the first body horizontally, with the nozzle facing the wider part of the cardboard,by applying glue from all the sides to make it more rigid and hold it unless it doesn’t get held tightly and completely.
  • Now comes the role of a magnet.Stick it from the downward side of the nozzle of the 2nd injection body (say I2).
  • Take the 3rd injection body (say I3), without any removal or cut.Paste another magnet at its end from below the sorrounding circle. Keep this for the time being.
  • Again cut a 2nd piece of a thermocol (3cm*3cm) and get it stuck on the cardboard, beside and quiet close to I2.
  • Now, pick up a laser torch to install on the thermocol, with the light part of it facing below I2.
  • Join I3 with the I2 via stucked magnets on both the injection bodies.

Your homemade Microscope is ready now!


Now the time is to apply by the following ways:

Note: Remember that the result will only be fruitful in the dark room.

  • Take a bowl of fresh water to rinse your unclean hands.
  • Remove I3(temporary stuck) from the machine to fill up handwashed water into it.
  • Now again get it stuck back into its original location and let the water approach towards the nozzle.
  • Let the laser torch face towards a clean white painted wall to yeild good result.
  • Start lightening the laser torch in such a way that it passes through water filled injection (I3). 


What will u people observe that the projection of the light on the front wall highlights small small “nano-sized microorganisms”, that were once part of your palms, moving randomly in different directions in the presence of red light.

Hope my steps to make handmade microscope is built-up by the reader and is working properly without any hindrance.

This is how one can try one’s hand in making and discovering something unique during leisure time.So stop perishing time and get involved yourself into some or the other handicrafts and techniques.

By Sristi Srivastava, Pushpayan, Lucknow


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