Preventative Measures of Rape

By: Harshita Jasuja

rape The process of house renovation with changing of the floor from carpets to solid oak wood. Beautiful golden handscraped oiled European oak brushed for added texture and fine definition of wood grain
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Whenever we open a newspaper or start watching any news channel, what do we see? The topmost news is always about harassment. Cases of rape and murder are becoming common news. Why is it happening? From where are people getting such courage to break the law and to do anything with the other person? Where are they getting right to ruin someone’s life? All these are the questions that are stuck into my brain.

Parents of a girl child are scared to let their daughter out in this cruel world. Why am I talking about girls? Here even older women (granny) is not safe nor the 2-3 year old girls. Who is responsible for these crimes?

Why the rape culture is spreading?

  • The rape culture is spreading because of our shoddy mentality that if a girl is wearing short dress she is already trying to attract man. Like seriously? If your sister wears the same dress would you really think to do that bad activity with her?
  • Clothes can never define someone’s character. So saying something bad about that victim & supporting the rapist is not a good idea.
  • What was she doing so late in dark? I would like to say girls are also a living being that is trying to prove their worth by working hard, doing house chores & jobs together. May be she got late due to more projects in office or she went to buy any grocery. It could be anything. So judging her why she was out late night, I don’t feel that it shows a good mentality work.
  • No matter what the age of the girl is the rapist just wants to quench their thirst. They don’t ask for the consent of the girl. Tell me how did a 2-3 year old girl attract the rapist? Or an old lady what did she do to get that treatment?
  • Our shallow mentality is promoting this culture. We are supporting it by questing the girl’s character.
  • Another reason is the adult websites showing all the cruel stuff. Our children access that content at the early teenage, when we don’t even teach them anything about it. The children in the name of sex education get the knowledge of violence.
  • Okay so that’s totally clear that the adult sites never teach sex education. All they promote is violence towards the female & after watching it what do children grab? They start thinking that girl is a material of pleasure. She is meant to please a man.
  • Being a girl I have faced many comments by boys. They talk about the shape and size of the girls, all they know is to make a girlfriend and take her to oyo. The mentality is that the girls are meant to give pleasure.

How can we prevent rape?

  • First of all we need to understand that preventing it is the responsibility of both the government & the citizens.
  • We need to be mature enough to not to comment bad on any girl, because it’s the 1st step that leads to such a big crime.
  • It is a game of mentality, before commenting on any girl just think that if your mother or sister was in her place, would you still comment that bad words for them?
  • If you see anyone in your group talking bad about any random girl, stop them on that place.
  • Stop watching adult content. It only misleads us, our brain. Adult content promotes violence.
  • I know it’s a responsibility of government to make such terrifying laws that no one can ever dare to commit such a crime. But as a citizen we also have some responsibilities. As everything starts from the ground level.
  • Parents of girl child must know that round chapattis can wait even education can wait for the girl child. The most important thing that you should teach your girl is self defense. Rather than keeping her in your or her brother’s shadow. It’s her life you can’t always keep her at home.
  • So as a girl parent you must teach her about good touch or bad touch and also self defense. It’s her war let her defeat these demons alone.

According to me prevention is only teaching self defense to the girl child. Make your girl child strong enough to face any difficult situation; she can save herself without relying on others. Never teach your girl about the prince charming story or never say you are less than boys. In our dharma the girls are known as devis, warriors. Even lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu values the power of Devi!

Our judiciary, our law system is also responsible for all these crimes. Why these cases get delayed? Why can’t we investigate faster and punish the rapist? Because of these delays people of bad mentality commit these sins & crimes because they know they can easily live their life happily enjoying. So our system needs to be updated. Update in the form of speeding up the process & a terrifying punishment so that no one could even think of doing this crime.


We says that we are in a developing country, but are we really? Yeah our country is doing well in technology, study, science, and all other stuff. What about the safety of the citizens? Why do we always hear today 2 year god raped. Yesterday a doctor was raped and murdered. If girls can’t live freely then are we really developing? Just think about it. Covering your girls in cage is not an option. We really need to go to the root cause of this issue. Change your mentality. Girls are not a material of pleasure. They are also a living being. Just treat her equally. It’s really scary to hear all those news about the rapes and murders. What was the mistake of those girls that they died in such a horrific & terrible way?  

By: Harshita Jasuja

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