How to write an essay fast

By: Prabhgun kaur

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Essay writing is not just an art but a useful, helpful and fruitful habit as well. Many youngsters are trying to indulge themselves in this activity to get their hidden feelings, thoughts and perspectives known to the world. Students are participating in essay writing competitions and are writing for newspapers and magazines to sharpen their writing skills and improve their English literature and grammar, but they don’t know how write an essay fast. The fun and interest of essay writing can’t be expressed in words.

Though it is advantageous, writers do face some problems and hindrances while writing essays. Though essay writing is fun, it requires a lot of time, tolerance, self-motivation, concentration and patience which teenagers and children generally lack. Sometimes, a given topic could be hard or boring or disinteresting for the writer to write about. Usually, in such cases, it takes the writer a very long time to complete writing the essay. This may result in the writer failing to complete the essay in the given time or before the deadline. This could be quite disheartening and discouraging for the writer.

And next time, he may be afraid from taking up any challenges. This could be a negative influence on his hobby, passion or profession. Though, writing an essay sometimes could be strenuous, the happiness one gets after finishing the essay is spectacular.

 There are some basic techniques which may help writers to write an essay fast. These techniques may help writers to write good essays  in competitions or examinations fast. They are as follows:

• just think over the topic for 5-10 minutes to get some ideas regarding what to write

• one should try to focus on writing

• pen down the important points you want to cover in your essay

• one should frame the outline of paragraphs in his mind before starting the work

• don’t panic about the deadline as it may disturb your mind

• define the topic in your own words or try to recall a definition you have been through regarding the topic

• quotes, idioms and proverbs should be used to refrain from struggling to think about what to write

• try to cover more information in lesser words

• exaggerate the basic definition of the given theme

• add your beliefs regarding the topic

• compare your ideas with known facts

• begin the essay with a quote of any language

• more real-life examples should be used

•  use names of some known Personalities so that your points could be effortlessly and skilfully supported

• examples from mythology should be used as it will lengthen the essay in a short time

• cartoon or fictional characters should be used as examples. For example,’ Doraemon and Nobita; an epitome of friendship, to make the essay quite creative

• only brief points regarding the topic should be highlighted to spare time

• facts should be used as they would help save time

• cover information in points as that way more information could be highlighted

• switch to a short word limit as it will help to finish the work in a short time

• write on a laptop, mobile or tablet ( when the submission has to be done online) to speed up writing

• use simple language and stay on the point to complete the task in a short duration

• munch a bar of chocolate or chew chewing gum while writing so that you don’t fall asleep

• don’t exaggerate the points, assertions  and statements. It will make your essay interesting but will increase the work and would require more time

• don’t lose hope! Hope is the most powerful weapon one can possess and use to win a challenge or complete a task

• try to only cover the basic and important information regarding the topic. Don’t go deep into the topic

• take caffeine to freshen up your mind

• if you are participating in an offline competition, don’t look around as something might grab your attention

These points may help writers to complete writing an essay fast and experience the pleasure of completing an essay.  So, while showing up in an essay competition where the topic is supposed to be given on-spot or, when the submission has to be done online, before the deadline, just adhere to these points to write an interesting, informative,  good and creative essay that too in a short period of time. Thus, work would be enjoying and less time consuming. Enjoy the pleasure of speed writing. All the best!

By: Prabhgun Kaur

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