How to Write a Creative Essay

By: Jaishiya devi.M

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Creative writing is not only  about putting words on a page in a way that presents imaginative prose. You need to consider your writing in a certain way and structure it properly if you want to pull off an excellent creative essay. The goal behind any writing assignment that calls for creativity is simple. You have to express your feelings and opinions on a particular topic so that it captivates the reader.

Consider the reader:

As with any other form of writing, you must consider the reader above all else. You have to have a deep understanding of who your audience is so you can pique their interest and hold it throughout the paper .The reader should like your essay and want to get intrest on it , which makes you to feel is very important for an writer, which makes you go ahed.

Use the traditional creative structure:

Traditionally, creative essays are divided into three acts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. In the first one, you will introduce the leading players and the situation. The confrontation will allow you to shift into the main issue. The resolution is the climax, during which the issue is resolved. You also give preference to traditional because it is very important.

Use metaphors

A metaphor is effective in any form of writing an essay.. It should make them understand a concept you are explaining at a deeper level.We also use easy grammar in our essay to make it easy to understand ,because most of them avoid hard gramatic essay aswellas young generation like easy understamdable essays.

Provide details:

Details are everything when writing creatively as they touch at the readers’ emotions. Emotions include Love,betrayal,family,mom,dad,friends,etc….. Without them, your essay can be simple and boring, providing only one fact.but at the same time over emotional is too avoidable ,which make our essay wage small amount of spices is enough. Detail makes it come alive in the readers’ minds.


Make sure to edit your work after you have written it. A writer rarely gets it right the first time.Edit the essay carefully,check once after you finish the work,because human error is common,typing mistake is common in essays now a days. it will be usefull to avoid your silly mistakes.

Think out of the box:

Finally, here it comes—the piece of advice that every successful assignment demands.approch your comment in a sweet way ,not as a command or an order,it want to reach the reader in a kind way so they can take it easily. Try to approach the issue from an unusual angle! 

By: Jaishiya devi.M

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