Write a fast essay

By: Disha Chakravarty

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Writing an essay can be a very mundane and overwhelming job if not done with the right mindset. People often tend to relate an essay with a prosaic piece of text that goes on for pages and pages. And when the writers themselves write their essays with that kind of mindset then it’s recurrent to get bored and distracted while they work on it. All this can slow down the progress of the writer and delay the completion of the essay. This hinders the pace of the writer’s capability and creativity. Thus, I would say that the very first step to writing a fast essay is simply to have the right mindset and to experience joy and happiness while working on it 🙂

A typical essay contains a heading, a very catchy one, that could appeal to the readers on the first go! an introduction and theme of the essay need to give a central idea of what the essay is all about. This would keep the readers captivated till the very end. Then comes the main body of the essay which includes various paragraphs which comprise facts, data, examples and other elements that are needed to convince the readers about the main idea of the essay. Then comes the conclusion paragraph for the essay which is essential to put a lasting impression on the reader. You might be wondering why knowing the structure of an essay is needed to learn “how to write a fast essay”? it is important because without knowing the structure it’s not possible to make a framework or an outline of that essay. Thus, the second step of writing a fast essay is to have a framework or a rough script of the essay that includes the content of the essay in a rough manner. To further, if we would want to make changes, we can directly make changes on this rough script. This saves us a lot of time. Do you know why? Because Making changes directly on the main essay might not be a good idea. One small mistake and that complete page is gone to waste. Don’t you think spending time on editing a rough sketch of the essay is better than rewriting the main essay multiple times? This helps us to avoid making mistakes on the main essay and enable us to write without breaks as now we know what to write next. You can speed up your essay writing by having access to a word bank or a thesaurus. This will help you to modify your language and turn a mundane text into something eloquent and floral. Not only does it make the essay attractive but also interesting. The next step that would help you to write a fast and effective essay would be to have great exposure to essay reading and comprehension. This gives you a familiarity with the essay writing skill and opens up a world of ideas and creativity which can be included in your essay. This is a great way to write a fast essay. Proofreading the paragraph after writing it is also a very good way of revising the idea of that paragraph helping in reducing further mistakes or repetition of concepts or facts.

One thing to note is that the word “fast” in the title does not imply the fact that you are supposed to hurriedly finish the essay! This word has been used for those writers who are unable to finish their essays because of distractions or lack of knowledge regarding the procedure of writing an essay. Writing a fast essay also doesn’t mean that you will skip research and paper reading. No matter how good a writer you are, doing proper research marks the difference. Though doing research is sometimes overwhelming and time taking, it is the output of the research that makes the essay informative and interesting 🙂

In a nutshell, the best way to write a fast essay would be to understand the topic and comprehend it carefully, note down as many points you can think about it, research it well and make a neat presentation of your essay in the form of paragraphs. Well, the last step is the most important – proofreading! Proofreading is the most essential part of essay writing. These are a few points are to be kept in mind while working on an essay.

By: Disha Chakravarty

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