Which careers get paid the most?

By: Aamna Saleem Khan

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Education is what differentiates human beings from other livings. From ages humans have been investing their time and effort in the field of education. It just not provides awareness but it also empowers humans. No doubt education is a doorway to success which requires devotion and hard work. Education has made man a better living being on this planet. Today education has so many roots and branches, people are given a vast variety of fields today to get educated and to develop their career. Different fields and careers are of different importance.

Career defines your status in society and changes your lifestyle too.  The importance of careers today has been changing according to the worldly developments and demands. Today’s world is a world of science and art. There was a time when there was nothing like science and technology and hence no career development or requirement in such a field but with the passage of time things turned different.

Today, different countries have different rankings about careers according to their terms and conditions. Overall, around the world there are so many careers that are getting paid the most. Some of them include software engineering, lawyer, surgeon, dentist, economist, financial manager and many more. Let’s have a detailed look on some of them.

Software Engineer:

Software Engineer is a domain that is related with building software. It is a profession that combines technology and problem solving techniques. In this profession people get a huge opportunity to work upon different projects using different software tools and programs. It is not just a science but a true form of art and creativity. In today’s world of science and technology software engineering is considered as one of the highly paid and in demand career. The fast growth of IT has given a tremendous push to software engineering as well.


A person who practices law is a lawyer. A lawyer is a person who is trained to represent people and their matters legally. Every country has its own set of rules and regulations and hence their own laws. For this purpose every country has their own type of lawyers following and studying the laws of their own countries. Worldwide lawyer as a profession is considered highly in demand. In few countries lawyers get paid the most and in few lawyers don’t get paid that much. There are different fields in law some fields provide high earning potential than the others.


A surgeon is a qualified doctor specializing in diagnosing and treating diseases that may require surgery or other physical alterations. Surgeons today are considered as one of the most paid professions in today’s era. Not just a surgeon earns a high potential of money but they help people to save their lives which is a huge service to humanity as well. As a surgeon you must be prepared for anything every single day of every single year. Some may be able to handle that others might not. Surgeons may arguably have the hardest, most stressful job. They have another person’s life in their hands and that person may live or die based on the actions of that surgeon. The work is tuff, the education is rougher but being able to withstand all that, and fighting each and every day to safe a person’s life is the ultimate goal for which they work for.


It is another medical profession that is considered to be high in demand and also gets paid the most worldwide. A dentist also known as a dental surgeon, is a health care professional who specializes in dentistry, the branch of medicine focused on the teeth, gums, and mouth. Today people pay heed towards dental care and are interested in keeping their teeth in their old stages that shows that the demand for dental care and ultimately dental surgeons will continue to grow. It is also a job and a service to humanity.


An economist is a professional and practitioner in the social science discipline of economics. In today’s world, economics associated disciplines are of fundamental significance. As dwellers on the planet Earth we are affected by the economic decisions of each other: the air we breathe, the water we drink and the environment we leave for future generations are all affected by the economic decisions taken by the human race. It is these stimulating issues that make this profession high in demand and exciting.

Financial manager:

Financial managers are responsible for creating financial reports and plans for long-term financial goals in organizations. A Financial Manager is a key decision-maker in an organization. They use data analysis and advise senior managers on profit-maximizing ideas, which can help optimize company profits over time by making intelligent decisions for investments or spending funds to have the greatest return on investment. As the economy expands and employment opportunities increase, the need for workers with financial expertise will go up which has and will keep on increasing the demand for this profession.


 These were some of the most paid and high in demand career in today’s era. While someone selects a career for him or herself he or she should pay special attention to what they are interested into and what attracts them rather than only looking up to what’s in demand. No profession even if it is high in demand pays you without your devotion and dedication. Do whatever attracts you and this will definitely make you successful one day. When our profession becomes our passion then no one can stop us. Bring that spirit and see the change in yourself.

By: Aamna Saleem Khan

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