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When the weather was sunny,

Pure and predictable,

Little steps were easy to take,

With no mud to get dirty,

She roamed around,

Hugging every experience,

[But all were pleasant].

Later dark clouds emerged,

The blue sky turned gloomy,

Rain and lightning struck,

For the first time she saw,

Conflicting the nature of life,

A hidden reality,

Her bare feet were damped in mud,

She began to doubt,

The clear path was now wild.

She continued her journey solely,

Everyday she comes up with a new normal story,

An astonishing fact,

But later mundane enacted.

Each day she whispers,

“Today is different,

An end of hideous entity”

That day of unrealistic hope never came.

Grey clouds only grew darker,

And so is her ambition too,

In this shrinking voyage,

An ocean gulping your identity,

She found her meaning,

An existential and true aspect,

More than bookish clear goals,

She found “how to live?”.

By: Khushi Joshi

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