BLACKHOLES – Powerful & Gobble Down Huge Stars


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My family, friends, relatives & me – A common circle in which we all are stuck nowadays. The simple knowledge we acquire or the skills we have in ourselves can’t at all occupy the spaces between our lives. Blackholes are immensely powerful & can gobble down even huge stars. It would be great to know about the blackholes.

We must have an aim to fulfill in this precious life presented to us by the gods. It is because our life is really really uncertain, believe it or not. Today we’re all alive talking, tommorow the Earth is no more. This is how the Earth formed.

One day no Earth, no planets, no galaxy & perhaps no universe. But see, gradually everything evolved so did we. And now that we know Sagittarius A* is roaming rather partially sleeping in the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. Though it is 26,000 light years away from the Solar system still. 

Well I know what question is popping up in your mind, “What is this Sagittarius A*?” Yes, the most important term to express its meaning is a Super Massive Blackhole. It was a Stellar Blackhole previously but they are extremely greedy & eager to gobble down anything, everything that comes on its way or near it. That’s why that Stellar Blackhole became a Super Massive Blackhole. 

But wait we’re talking about this weird term Blackhole from the beginning. What does it actually mean? Is it another celestial body loitering in the space? No, it’s not a celestial body rather much much more than that. It is a mass in the space almost 20 times bigger than the sun.

They are formed by the death of huge stars in supernova explosion. But the stars are usually the red giants, or much more massive white stars whose end of life results in the beginning of someone other. Blackholes are immensely powerful & can gobble down even huge stars. A jaw falling fact is that, blackholes are the singularity.

They are the minuscule point where the atoms halts their motion & space time bents infinitely. The gravitational pull is so terrible that no one can survive near it, all gets sucked inside. They appear a massive black patch & sometimes a ring of fire is around them. It is actually the horizon of singularity & infinity where time doesn’t work. Space time collapses in that & time experiences a halt.

A person will get confused in this situation of space time & the thoughts of singularity & infinity. They are the never ending subject on which we, human beings have made numerous speculations but sometimes the laws of Physics is broken by the blackholes & we stand staring in awe. Scientists say that nobody can survive in the Blackhole too.

It is expected that a human actually turns into some sort of spaghetti & then into tiny pieces and lastly nothing. That clearly states that we may get completely mixed & not a single dot of our existence can be traced out of it. This can be the utmost power of a Super Massive Blackhole.

Blackholes are extremely wondrous that we still couldn’t figure out the reason for its existence from a star to singularity. They aren’t all that frightening but at times they could be. Space is vast, infinite & in that we have known just 1% of it & other 99% are a mystery to us. And what blackholes have inside them! This takes our thoughts to a never ending question “Then are we living inside a Blackhole?”


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