By: Shambhavi Verma

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Sasha was a distinguished Chronologist and passionate social media enthusiast residing in the city of New Delhi, profoundly known as the Global Metropolis. It’s been quite a few years since she embarked on her research into the delicate intricacies and significant implications of social media in the lives of youth. Sasha was graced with the gift of the ability to have visions that spanned through the present, past and the future which was as bizarre to her as it was a remarkable part of her reality.

Once upon a time, she was just about to bounce off the wall, when she woke up at the crack of the dawn to have a glance of her alluring city, she was shocked, suddenly realising that she was again at the place where technically she was not supposed to be . It was like a soulful place where the earth and the sky meet and nature embraces one divine heartbeat. The air was sweet and fragrant. It seemed that this breeze at dawn had some secrets to share. This scenic beauty has stirred her heart, inspired her imagination and brought out eternal joy to her soul.

As she explored into the bustling city of New Delhi she realised that in the era of 1940s the human interactions weren’t overshadowed by the virtual connections. Her voyage guided her through the cities, through the alleys and through the enchanting towns of the era unravelling mysterious & ecstatic experiences.

She realised that 62.4% of the population which was wrapped up in the world of social media in 2024 was navigating through various domains of livelihood in the 1940s. The essence of human interactions were undeniably rich, with the minds of youth being filled with the unfiltered and vast real world experiences leading to their higher IQs and reasoning abilities.

According to the stats, A survey by the Pew Research Center in 2018 reported that 45% of teens felt overwhelmed by social media, and 24% said it made them feel more anxious, approximately 34% of adolescents have experienced cyberbullying in some form. 

A study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that 71% of adolescents report using social media at least an hour before bedtime, which explains their poorer sleep quality and shorter sleep duration.

Correlating the same with the world of 1940s, Sasha realised that cyber bullying, self insecurity, social pressure, sleep deprivation don’t seem to be worth it at all. The place where the current scenario is leading our youth is full of tremendous pressure, anxiety and disconnection. The unceasingly intense pressures of social media are contributing towards the prospect where human interactions and the reel vs reality is increasingly overshadowed by digital exchanges, resulting in the skill deprived & social media addicts. 

This modernisation of the environment, marked by cyberbullying and constant online engagement, exclusively contrasts with the more straightforward, societal interactions of the past, highlighting a tragic shift in the fabric of youth experience.

Emerging from her reflection, Sasha went on to trace the steps of her curiosity. Moving forward in the voyage she found around twelve little boys and girls, who were enjoying themselves in the park, riding the slides, making sand castles, playing hide & seek, solving puzzles etc, while their parents were sitting on the benches chatting joyously and laughing at the fragility & mischief of the young minds. Some studious ones were studying on the benches, reading the books so enthusiastically as if they would provide them the keys of some mystery box, being totally lost in their own little fantasies. 

Sasha was overwhelmed with the fact that in contrast to the past there were over 1 billion monthly users on tiktok, 1.5 billion monthly users on Instagram, 2.9 billion users on Facebook, 410 million of Snapchat and over 520 million monthly users on X in 2024, we can’t really expect the world to be going in the right direction. Can we?

The OECD’s 2021 “Education at a Glance” report indicates that, on average, 15-year-olds spend about 1 to 2 hours daily on homework and self-study while an average teen spends around 2 hours 38 minutes engaging and browsing on social media which is totally bizarre. Sasha reconfirmed herself that this wasn’t in the vision of our tech revolutionaries, social media was meant to be the cart while humans being the horses not the other way around.

We have indeed come a long way from genuine interactions to superficial connections, from books to I pads, from playgrounds to online games. Growth is essential but the rising tech must be used with conscious awareness.

Social media isn’t all evil, it also possesses the ability of making a change. Moving forward Sasha found some local craftsman, merchants and traditional pottery makers who were indulged in their ancestral artistry but they had a gloomy look in their eyes, perhaps because of the gradual attempt to modernisation, people were more drawn towards the English craftsmanship and foreign textiles since they found them relatively cheaper.

There was limited accessibility to education and the skill set of the people was unconsciously restricted. The small shop owners, even after having amazing talents lived a frugal live. There were several individuals who possessed unique abilities but we’re waiting for recognition.

Yet, in 2024 social media has significantly changed this landscape. According to a 2022 report by the International Trade Centre, 57% of local artisans saw a 30% increase in sales after utilising the social media platforms to market their products. Additionally, the 2021 Artisan Empowerment Survey found that 65% of small-scale artisans experienced greater global exposure and improved business opportunities through social media. Furthermore, a 2023 study by the Small Business Administration noted that 52% of artisans reported enhanced customer engagement and brand recognition due to their online presence. By 2030 the ROI of e-commerce is expected to reach around $6.2 trillion dollars. 

However, amidst these challenges, Sasha also discovered a more positive aspect of social media’s influence, particularly how it has transformed opportunities for local artisans and businesses

Sasha renunciated that Social media have indeed played a vital role in e-commerce as well as in providing recognition to the deserving & talented individuals. It has significantly helped to put off the veil from the rich cultural heritage of India and its rich ancestral artistry

Suddenly Sasha felt some sort of jerk that led to her revival in the old reality, sleeping on her bed as most of the fantasies end, her fantasy has also broken like a piece of glass which she thought wasn’t completely true since she dreamed of the future which can be the definite reality. Anyway, that was a wonderful experience.

This voyage through the past taught us that while Social media has some discerning consequences, it indeed has revitalised the channels of modern technological advancement, bridged the global market for the local craftsman and have significantly increased the skill set of many individuals. 

Reflecting on Sasha’s journey through time, it becomes clear that social media is a double-edged sword. Whether the social media is a boon or Bane remains a topic of debate but as the Bhagavad Gita states, “Just as the body is the chariot and the soul the driver, so the mind is the reins and the senses the horses”. Therefore don’t let social media take the reins from your mind and utilise it for the welfare of humanity and one’s own self. 

Let us approach it with conscious efforts & awareness, ensuring it serves as a benefit rather than a curse, enriching our lives while preserving the positive essence of our humanity.

By: Shambhavi Verma

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