Essay: Women Empowerment to Appreciate Women

By: Erin McGrandles

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Women empowerment. The empowerment of women. The words women empowerment and female empowerment are often said but who really listens to and appreciates those words. There is nobody who appreciates these words more than a women.Men can not feel the same connections to these words as a woman can.

There is no such thing as male empowerment because men have never gone through discrimination because of their gender, they have never been refused opportunities because of their gender they have never been told that they are valued less than a women.

Every time a women leaves her home she is seen as a lesser being than a man no matter what her qualifications are and no matter what she does. Men do not need this empowerment as they have never experienced these struggles and they never will.

As a woman I will always be seen as lesser than a man no matter how the world is and no matter how sustainable our future is women and non males will always be seen as “lesser” than any man and that is why I have chosen to do my essay on the empowerment of women.

In an ideal world the empowerment of women would not be needed because everyone would be equal. Women empowerment would not exist and neither would male empowerment. Everyone would be empowered and not because of their gender but because of their contribution to their own lives and the lives of those around them.

Women are the base of the world, without women existing Earth would be nothing . Women have shaped our planet to what it is today.Without women the Earth would be empty and humanity would not exist.

Womens discoveries have changed the world.Without scientist Amy Ball  would there be a cure for the fatal disease,leprosy? Without Mary-Claire King would we know that breast cancer is hereditary?

Without Rosalind Franklin would we know what the structure of DNA was? Without Flossie Wong-Staal would we now have a cure for aids? Without these womens discoveries our planet would NOT be the same as it is now.

These women revolutionised our planet and they have changed the world forever so why do men continue to discourage females contributions in everything from science to art, from maths to dance,from engineering to singing.In a man’s eyes women will never make better contributions to her chosen field than a man will.

Every day we see examples of men failing to empower women for the same things that they continuously empower other men for.For example the women’s football european championship 2022.In 2021 every single time men played football men would line the streets,fill the pubs  and flood the stadiums for every single game no matter who they were playing.

If these men can so willingly support every single football game the men’s english team play and if they care so much for their nations football why do they not once again line the streets,fill the pubs and flood the stadiums when the women not only compete in the Euros but win them unlike the men’s team.

If these men cared so much for their nation why do they change how much they support the national team simply because it is women playing football not men.This is the reason that women need empowerment and men don’t because when a women is empowered by a man it is a miracle but when a man is empowered by a women it is a normal day

The empowerment of women is absolutely necessary because “whatever women do they must do it twice as well as men,just for them to be thought of as half as good “.People may ask why the empowerment of women is so important it is important for so many reasons.

When women are empowered they reach their true potential and they go on to change the world.Women empowerment is essential because women change the world.

Women empowerment is essential because if a man with two qualifications applies for a job and a women with four qualifications applies for a job companies are 3 times more likely to hire the man than the women despite her being more qualified as they believe that hiring a women means more bathroom breaks,more maternity leave,more emotions in the workplace and more time off because even in this day and age when a child is sick it is expected that their mother looks after them even if the father makes it clear they will be looking after the child(67% of school based administrators are more likely to call a child’s mother when they are ill over a child’s father even if the father is noted as the primary contact) so these big companies decide that they are better off hiring a less qualified man.

Women need to be empowered by all men and all women because without this empowerment women will stop feeling motivated, they will stop feeling inspired, they will stop feeling determined, they will stop feeling resilient and they will stop making our planet a better place.THIS IS WHY WOMEN NEED EMPOWERMENT.

By: Erin McGrandles

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