Renewable Energy Resources

By: Sia Aggarwal

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There are 8 billion people on this planet. Out of that at least 50 percent of the people use light, electricity, all the facilities. We can’t imagine us without phones, laptops, or internet. Without Air Conditioners and electricity. Without these, there wouldn’t be any means of communication. Cars, airplanes, trains, all of them use fuel. There wouldn’t be any transportation. No method to do anything.

The houses we have wouldn’t have been constructed. We would be living again in the prehistoric era. Where we lived in groups, hunted for food, and had houses made of mud or wood. All of the privileges that we have are due to fossil fuels. Without them there wouldn’t have been the evolution. We would be sitting in a forest, and I wouldn’t be writing this essay, but this is all is mostly done by non-renewable electricity.

With most of the world population using these non-renewable resources, they are going to run out one day. Non-renewable resources form after a billion years and if we exhaust all of them today, there will be none left. Therefore, scientists have come up with renewable resources. They use sources that will never run out. Such as hydroelectricity, solar power, wind turbines etc. These have man impacts on the environment, mostly positive but some negative ones too.

Renewable resources do not produce air pollution, they are environmentally safe mostly. They help us by producing energy at a cheap cost. Since non-renewable sources are about to be exhausted, renewable recourses are they key. It produces less global warming due to less pollution. There are no greenhouse secretions from these. They are inexhaustible, they can never be finished. Even when the non-renewable resources run out, they will still be available for us to utilize. We will still have electricity

Even with all their good impacts, the renewable recourses have their disadvantages. The windmills which are used to produce electricity can hurt birds and other animals too. Their rotating blade can harm any bird flying their way. The solar power that we get, is produced from solar panels. To generate the most amount of electricity we need a huge solar panel which will occupy a huge piece of land. Hydroelectricity leads to floods. The dam could overflow and cause floods. Bioenergy causes the harmful liberation of methane. All the things that we know have an optimistic side and a treacherous side. So does renewable energy.

This fact is repeated since it is so important. Since non-renewable resources are running out renewable recourses are very important.  Those are what the new world will be using. They are available in abundance. Humans have been causing a lot of damage to the Earth but there is still a chance for improvement. If we find solutions to the negative impacts and make them positive, we can achieve an environment friendly Earth again. Renewable energy is the future and the advantages are more than the disadvantages. According to me, renewable resources are very useful and have a mostly positive impact on the environment.

By: Sia Aggarwal

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