By: Priyadharshini.N

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World has been developing more and more through the Human Beings, who started to earn something called money, power, and profit by exploiting the world. Starting from destroying nature to end up in exploiting other human being by jealousy, ego, vengeance, hatred..etc. Humanity’ is a word that signify a set of shared values, ethics, and principles that are considered fundamental to human existence. These may include notions of justice, equality, freedom, and respect for human rights. 

Humanity can be used to describe the inherent nature of humans, encompassing both positive and negative aspects. It acknowledges the complexity of human behavior, emotions, and relationships.

People with Humanity:

People with humanity are individuals who exhibit qualities and behaviors that reflect compassion, empathy, kindness, and a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

  • Willing to help others in their bad time by sharing our kindness, generosity.
  • Willing to contribute time, resources, or effort for the benefit of others without expecting something in return.
  •     Treating others with respect, recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. They appreciate diversity and uphold principles of equality and fairness.
  • Humanity is often associated with tolerance—accepting and respecting differences in beliefs, cultures, and backgrounds. Tolerant individuals promote understanding and harmony in diverse communities.
  • Individuals with humanity may advocate for social justice and human rights. They may work towards creating a fair and equitable society, addressing issues of inequality and discrimination.

Lack of Humanity:

The phrase “lack of humanity” often refers to situations or actions that are perceived as lacking compassion, empathy, ethical considerations, or basic human values.Here are a few contexts where “lack of humanity” might be used:

  • Human Rights Violations:Instances where individuals or groups are subjected to unjust treatment, discrimination, or abuse, which goes against the principles of human rights.
  • Inhumane Treatment: Actions or policies that show a disregard for the welfare and dignity of others, such as cruel treatment, exploitation, or neglect.
  • Ethical Concerns: Situations where ethical considerations, moral values, or empathy are overlooked in decision-making, policies, or actions.
  • Lack of Empathy: Behavior that demonstrates a failure to understand or share the feelings of others, especially in difficult or challenging circumstances.
  • Dehumanizing Practices: Practices that strip individuals of their humanity, treating them as objects rather than as sentient beings with rights and emotions.


Nowadays,Kids are growing with cunning mind and lack of innocence which may seem to be mature generation but keeping them out of humanity,love, and kindness is something which we should be aware, that our future world gonna be more selfish than it is…


By: Priyadharshini.N

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