Environmental Issues of Developing Countries

By: Saanvi Bhadekar

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Everyone desires to stay in a 15-story apartment with cars parked in their garage and tall buildings in the surrounding area. But most of the time, we tend to forget what damage will be caused to our planet due to our greed. Metropolitan cities like, New York, Boston, Paris and London are always admired for their beautiful cityscapes and lavish lifestyles. Is it true that these cities should be inhabited? Should similar cities be developed? How do these cities contribute towards our environment? These important topics shall not be ignored but are well attended to by each one of us as responsible citizens of the world. We must act quickly and wisely from our planet from getting ruptured. We must understand the major environmental issues faced by developed countries like – the USA, the United Kingdom, France and Germany and find solutions to resolve them.

In today’s era, most countries in the world are facing one common problem which is Climate Change. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns. Today it is being noted as a global problem which is being discussed everywhere. Climate change causes a high increase in temperature. With the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gas, the global surface temperature also increases. It causes severe storms, droughts, rise in the ocean level, hail, loss of species and above all poverty and displacement of livelihood. The solution to this vital issue is that we invest in renewable resources like coal and fossil fuels and protect our natural treasures which are- forests and oceans. Such small steps can help to resolve one the of biggest environmental issues.

Subsequently, pollution is another important issue that is capturing the eyes of millions of people today. This is not only common in adults, but even school children are made aware of this concern. Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. Pollution can be systematically categorized into 7 major types. These are – Water pollution, Air pollution, Soil Pollution, Thermal pollution, Radioactive pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. Most commonly air, water and soil pollution are visible. We can stop air pollution by using bicycles or an environment-friendly mode of transport rather than burning fuels by using cars and trucks. Prevent the burning of garbage and rather properly dispose of it. Water being foremost for the life of all animals as well as plants it is crucial to prevent synthetic polymers commonly known as plastic to enter and pollute. To control or stop water pollution, we can simply clean and pick up litter from water bodies.

Various countries have been aware of and work towards preventing water pollution through applicable schemes. Land pollution, soil pollution or often known as soil contamination is the degradation of land by xenobiotic chemicals. Xenobiotic chemicals are chemical substances that are not naturally found within an organism but are artificially created. A few examples of xenobiotic chemicals include – pesticides, food additives, industrial chemicals and environmental pollutants. Hence, it is advised to minimize the use of pesticides as it is harmful to the land body as well as to the consumer.

Ultimately, another concern about environmental issues includes the loss of biodiversity. It refers to the decline or disappearance of biological diversity. It is also a cause of the other two factors – climate change and pollution. In each case of biodiversity loss, human beings play a direct or indirect role. Research in this field has proven that biodiversity can be conserved by restoration of the habitat for wildlife. Invasive species can be separated and with proper government legislation, this too shall be overcome.

To conclude, the pristine water of lakes, crisp winds, verdant trees and blooming flowers are indeed bestowing our livelihood. Rapid climate change, high rates of pollution and significant loss in biodiversity are three of the major impacts of high rates of development. A developed country has a mature and sophisticated economy which is usually gained due to exploring and utilising more energy in their industrial activities.

Despite wasting energy to improve, we call their countries developed but we shall understand that nature and natural resources are the real treasuries of the sphere. So now, when you think of driving for short distances, opt for walking. Open the glasses of your windows rather than switching your air conditioner on. Use technology by saving pictures on your device rather than taking hard-copy. The countries that have today been known as developed have only prospered and made advancements in using energy to the fullest which has caused a high rise in their GDP. Next time, let’s keep our greed aside and think for the benefit of not only ourselves but also our surroundings. 

Everyone desires to stay in a 15-story apartment with cars parked in their garage and tall buildings in the surrounding area. But most of the time, we tend to forget what damage will be caused to our planet due to our greed. Metropolitan cities like, New York, Boston, Paris and London are always admired for their beautiful cityscapes and lavish lifestyles. Is it true that these cities should be inhabited? Should similar cities be developed? How do these cities contribute towards our environment? These important topics shall not be ignored but are well attended to by each one of us as responsible citizens of the world. We must act quickly and wisely from our planet from getting ruptured. We must understand the major environmental issues faced by developed countries like – the USA, the United Kingdom, France and Germany and find solutions to resolve them.

In today’s era, most countries in the world are facing one common problem which is Climate Change. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns. Today it is being noted as a global problem which is being discussed everywhere. Climate change causes a high increase in temperature. With the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gas, the global surface temperature also increases. It causes severe storms, droughts, rise in the ocean level, hail, loss of species and above all poverty and displacement of livelihood. The solution to this vital issue is that we invest in renewable resources like coal and fossil fuels and protect our natural treasures which are- forests and oceans. Such small steps can help to resolve one the of biggest environmental issues.

Subsequently, pollution is another important issue that is capturing the eyes of millions of people today. This is not only common in adults, but even school children are made aware of this concern. Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. Pollution can be systematically categorized into 7 major types. These are – Water pollution, Air pollution, Soil Pollution, Thermal pollution, Radioactive pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. Most commonly air, water and soil pollution are visible. We can stop air pollution by using bicycles or an environment-friendly mode of transport rather than burning fuels by using cars and trucks. Prevent the burning of garbage and rather properly dispose of it.

Water being foremost for the life of all animals as well as plants it is crucial to prevent synthetic polymers commonly known as plastic to enter and pollute. To control or stop water pollution, we can simply clean and pick up litter from water bodies. Various countries have been aware of and work towards preventing water pollution through applicable schemes. Land pollution, soil pollution or often known as soil contamination is the degradation of land by xenobiotic chemicals. Xenobiotic chemicals are chemical substances that are not naturally found within an organism but are artificially created. A few examples of xenobiotic chemicals include – pesticides, food additives, industrial chemicals and environmental pollutants. Hence, it is advised to minimize the use of pesticides as it is harmful to the land body as well as to the consumer.

Ultimately, another concern about environmental issues includes the loss of biodiversity. It refers to the decline or disappearance of biological diversity. It is also a cause of the other two factors – climate change and pollution. In each case of biodiversity loss, human beings play a direct or indirect role. Research in this field has proven that biodiversity can be conserved by restoration of the habitat for wildlife. Invasive species can be separated and with proper government legislation, this too shall be overcome.

To conclude, the pristine water of lakes, crisp winds, verdant trees and blooming flowers are indeed bestowing our livelihood. Rapid climate change, high rates of pollution and significant loss in biodiversity are three of the major impacts of high rates of development. A developed country has a mature and sophisticated economy which is usually gained due to exploring and utilising more energy in their industrial activities. Despite wasting energy to improve, we call their countries developed but we shall understand that nature and natural resources are the real treasuries of the sphere. So now, when you think of driving for short distances, opt for walking. Open the glasses of your windows rather than switching your air conditioner on. Use technology by saving pictures on your device rather than taking hard-copy. The countries that have today been known as developed have only prospered and made advancements in using energy to the fullest which has caused a high rise in their GDP. Next time, let’s keep our greed aside and think for the benefit of not only ourselves but also our surroundings. 

By: Saanvi Bhadekar

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