Discovery of Writing

"Writing is the painting of Voice." Writing is an exploration. It has played an essential role in turning...

Poem: Passer By

You feel like your life is a lie, When someone leave you behind,

निबंध तेजी से कैसे लिखे

निबंध का मतलब होता है अच्छी तरह से बंधी हुई रचना अर्थात वैसी रचना जो विचार करके, क्रमबद्ध रूप से लिखी गई...

World Art Day – Art speaks where words are unable to...

Every year we commemorate World Art Day which is established to honor the wonderful world of art and all of the incredible...

The Eternal Ray

I watched a bee frantically struggle In the closed glass house ahead.

Spotify vs Apple Music – Which is Good?

Spotify and Apple Music are two giants in the music streaming industry who have unique backgrounds and journeys. Spotify, a Swedish company,...

In Healthy Lifestyle, Physical Activity and Heart Health Plays Important Role

A healthy lifestyle is something we hear all the time, but often ignore. Being healthy is something that everyone wants. Not only...

Fake life

'Some people are born with a silver spoon' This is wrong. 'Some people are born with a golden spoon or even a...

Hidden Architecture of Wisma Dharmala Sakti

When we think of a country, we think of monuments and skyscrapers and all those extravagant buildings that make a landmark. If...

John F. Kennedy Assassination | The World’s Most Diabolical Murder Mystery

The sunlit morning of November 22nd, 1963 claimed to be prepared for everything. It was prepared for an ambuscade of the citizenry...