Write Creative Writing Essays Easily

Zenith and dusky are back from their singing classes. They are in their graduation days and are in search of every single...

Mother’s Perfection: A Journey of Personal Inspiration

“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” - Princess Diana Mother was born perfect in Grobogan 48 years ago....

Irony of Fate

PROLOGUE Life. It's too unpredictable, too uncertain. Today everything's here, tomorrow there may be none. The...

Know about Catholicism and Protestantism

Although Christianity was born a little over 2000 years ago, its impact could still be felt today in everywhere from the Americas...

Jan Van Eyck – Oil Painting Inventor

Diligent portraiture empowered with gleaming jewels, crepuscular sun rays, radiating metals, sparkling satins, lustrous velvet, and veristic artworks were just the highlights...

A Complete Know How of Appearing for CTET

“Teaching is the essential profession, the one that makes all other professions possible”. ...

The Strength of Media

The media is the most powerful entity on earth because it controls the minds of the masses and play a powerful role in building...

Attitude is Everything Book Review

“Attitude is Everything” is an incredible book that I came across in my life. As the author states, “The Night that Transformed...

BESTIALITY – We satisfy your hunger pleasure

Bestiality- “We satisfy your hunger pleasure;Hunted us and kept our heads as trophies of treasure;Our skin was stripped for your warmness;Now our...

The best way to grade an essay

Essay are common works everywhere. Almost all parts of the world are familiar with essay with various problems that exist such as...