Based on True Incident – WAITING FOR MY JUSTICE

By: Samyuktha R

3.9/5 - (11 votes)

(Based on a true incident where a Monitor Lizard was raped, killed and eaten by four men…)
In loneliness I roam all day and night,
And the fear of extinction makes me to live in fright.
Preying just for survival
Leading a monotonous life without any rival.
Suddenly I meet four two-legged creatures,
Whom I thought were poachers.
Blackness filled all places
While lust was glowing in their faces.
For their cruel act I was trapped
And was mercilessly raped.
I screamed in pain
But among the dense forest it went for a vain.
They robbed my virginity
To fulfil their toxicity.
Everything was recorded in their lenses
And their wicked smirks made me to lose my senses.
I had no energy to run
While they continued with this shameless fun.
But this was not the end of this treacherous abusing
They made me their dinner and enjoyed it as if they were boozing.
Later, the news called it tragic,
The society named this act as manic.
With the same ritual for the rape victim, some criticized
And some sympathized.
From above what can a voiceless expect
It’s only neglect.
While these culprits again stray
Looking for another prey.
All I can do is wait and pray
That I get my justice at least on the doomsday.

By: Samyuktha R

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