Those waters are mine

By: Adil Sayyad

Trip Kerala Those waters are mine
Trip Kerala Those waters are mine
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“Those waters are mine”

I woke before the mussels did

In a burrow full of echo,

From the print of her anklets

Eaten away by my waves

Why was I stuck on this rhetoric

How heavy were those feet?

For Every step that she took

I wished there was one less

I watched her all day

She was less than a score

Why was she doing this?

I wanted to know

So I pulled back the waves

to show off my scars

to bait her in

and so she arched

I searched for her eyes

to meet with mine,

to be so young

to be so kind

I asked her now

The depth of her deed

Why save me?

Why better me?

She said few words

that left me blue

“Ever so little can I do,

my father didn’t care

but my son’s will do

For I know your worth

and will bring it to you”

By: Adil Sayyad

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