bullying cyberbullying
bullying cyberbullying
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Bullying is an act of violence committed by an individual or group. In today’s generation, bullying is not only done face to face, but can also be done online through social media. Bullying behavior is done to hurt someone who is in a weak position. There are so many victims of bullying that have occurred until now, especially bullying of women to the point of causing depression and even death. And the perpetrators also evenThe victims themselves are mostly teenagers. 

Bullying that occurs to women, very often leads to sexual violence, body shaming, even to sexual harassment. And it is not only done by men to women, but also by women with women. Which should be as fellow women should support each other, but from the facts circulating, the bullying is actually more often done by women. If on social media, the action must start from the circulation of someone’s false news. Also posting photos or videos that are not true about someone they want to bully on social media. And this attitude usually occurs because of hatred or disputes between the victim and the suspect regarding personal problems that should not be exposed to the public or on social media, not having empathy for others, inappropriate parenting, and not being able to reason what the harmful effects of their behavior are.

This kind of attitude is not something that can be normalized among the current generation of teenagers. Because the current generation is less aware of the impact of what will happen to victims of bullying after finding themselves bullied by irresponsible people. People who are bullied will definitely have health problems, such as mental health, anxiety disorders, lack of self-confidence, withdrawing from the environment, loss of self-confidence, trauma, and even depression. And fatally if the victim is a teenager who does not have a strong mentality to face criticism or comments from social media. Even if the victim of bullying has experienced severe depression to the point of experiencing mental disorders for a long time, it can trigger death.

However, bullying victims can be overcome by providing space for victims to tell stories about what happened, giving advice and encouragement to victims to continue living, always accompanying victims wherever they need help, and providing full supervision to victims. There are several things that must be done so that bullying does not spread and increase in society, especially among teenagers in the current technological generation.

Among them are providing education to teenagers about the dangers of bullying on social media where bullying will never disappear from social media and will make the news always there and can be seen at any time. Providing space for teenagers to tell stories about how teenagers live out there. Instilling a sense of sympathy and empathy in children, so that teenagers know that bullying behavior is bad behavior and can hurt other people’s feelings.

It can be concluded that bullying is an act of oppression that can damage a person’s mentality, both physically and psychologically, which can result in death. Bullying is also one of the actions that must be eliminated and eradicated from social media or in society such as schools and the community environment.


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