2024 has been a great year for many reasons. Many technological advancements have been made over the past year. So, here are the top 10 advancements made in the field of technology in 2024.
First on our list, we have AI. AI or Artificial Intelligence gives a computer the ability to think on its own. The term AI has blown up in use cases recently due to the release of multiple AI chatbots, which are bots that you can talk to and use for information or entertainment. The most famous of the chatbots, ChatGPT, has achieved much in the last year. From adding a voice bot to a new and better ChatGPT 4o model, it has truly been a productive year for them. Other chatbots, like Perplexity, Notebook LM, and STORM have also pooped up in the last year. We can surely expect better AI use cases in the future, and maybe even a Video Bot!
Our next advancement has occurred in the field of solar panel technology. In the urge to provide solar panels to all areas: urban and rural, many companies have tried to make cheap but efficient solar cells. And it is a great honour to say that they have succeeded. These companies have provided lots of extremely efficient solar power cells, and people who have bought them don’t have to worry about energy anymore. The companies are still selling millions of dollars in solar panels, so why not try one yourself? An expectation is that all houses will soon have reliable power cells.
The Apple Vision Pro is a revolutionary headset, which gives the functionality of an iPhone or iPad but puts it into the real world so that you can see whatever is happening outside. This mixed-reality headset aims to transform user interaction with digital content through immersive spatial experiences. This headset marks a significant milestone in the rapidly evolving landscape of AR(Augmented Reality) and VR(Virtual Reality). While it seems that this headset is the holy grail of all AR/VR accessories, it still does have some problems. The main concern is the ergonomics and weight of the device. Along with the battery, it weighs around 1 kg, and this creates pressure on your neck which will make it hurt. The shape of the device is also not perfect, and it does affect your eyes if you are planning to wear it for long periods. Another problem is the unstable landscape of the AR and VR economy can also cause problems due to its pretty high price!
Coming fourth on our list are Geothermal systems. A geothermal system is one that extracts heat from the ground and transfers it to a building during winter, and extracts heat from the building and transfers it to the ground during more heated climates. These are extremely useful as they have pretty long lifespans and have low environmental impact. They are very sustainable as well. They unfortunately take a lot of cash to install but once it is done, they will last you for a long time.
Lots of new chiplets have been made and enhanced as well. A chiplet is a small, modular integrated circuit that is designed to be combined to make a larger, more powerful chip. Each chiplet has its function, kind of like how each organ in a body has its job. This year, many new developments have taken place in chiplets. They have gotten more faster, more efficient, and are of better quality. These chiplets are also easily customisable. Chiplets are also cheap and are more flexible than a normal chip. It is also easy for manufacturers to produce it in mass quantities. They also have high performance and also play a huge role in AI and machine learning.
Computers, no matter their power level, have always had limitations. Whether it be an old Nokia brick or a current generation Macbook, they have always had things that they could not do. To save us all, we have the exascale computers. These computers can process up to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 calculations at a time! Yes, that is 18 zeroes!! The term ‘exa’ means eighteen. Exascale computers have only gotten stronger in the past year. Unfortunately, not everyone can use these extremely powerful computers. The price to make a computer process a quintillion calculations is unbelievably high, which makes finding one of these computers extremely difficult to find. But if you somehow can find one, make sure to use it to its limits!
The advancements in heat pump technology come next. A heat pump is similar to a geothermal system, but instead of transferring heat to or fro through the ground, it relies on the temperature outside. It transfers cool air from outside and inputs inside a building during summer, and does vice versa in winter. The only disadvantage with this is that power outages can interrupt operation. Hence, producers are trying to make heat pumps work for an amount of time after a power cut before stopping. Heat pumps are more efficient than ACs, and have become even more efficient in the past year. They now require low maintenance, making them a good choice for everyone.
While this isn’t really an advancement, it could lead to one and spark a new start in the field of social media. For around 17 years, Twitter was a popular social media site in which never-ending conversations, both funny, sad, horrifying or brilliant, took place. But ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter in October 2022, renamed it X, and fired most of the staff, the platform has been incentivizing creators to spread lies and amplify propaganda. Hence, people have had their eye on other platforms to replace X. The current big replacement is Threads. Threads has already amassed nearly 100 million monthly users. This could mean something new very soon!
To end our list, we have the Maglev Trains. These trains have gained quick popularity due to their high speeds and complex machinery. The train uses the principles of electromagnetism to float over the rails and travel at supersonic speeds. The rails have magnets in them which repel the train, making it stay afloat. The trains take low management and are usually driven by a computer, making them less risky than the average train. In 2024, many countries have invested in this, mainly China. These trains can improve the quality of life for many people, as many daily commuters rely on the metro system every day. The hope for the future is that one day these trains can become faster than planes(!), allowing people to travel safely from one place to another.
2024 turned out to be an incredible year for us, filled with substantial progress and achievements. We embraced numerous opportunities and overcame challenges along the way. Now, as we look ahead, all we can do is wait for 2025 and eagerly anticipate the new experiences and possibilities that will unfold in the coming year!
By: Pradyun Reddy Chintala
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