Technology – A new family member

By: Ibrahim Siddiqui

family Bullying work advancements Technological
Technological advancements family Bullying work Technological devices, financial document with pen, glass of water at workplace on background of three business partners striking deal
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To start my essay, I would like to elaborate on the term family member. A family member is someone who we trust, listen and most importantly the one who we cannot live without. Now as we see that the meaning of family member perfectly defines technology.

Since morning to night we have become dependent on technology. It has become our friend, guardian and chaperone. Technology is helping us to evolve and strengthen the human bonding and understanding human emotions and as we know that understanding human emotions is the pivotal of a family. We are actually spending more time with technology than our family.

Human happiness is not a static concept. What was happiness for the primitive man dwelling in a cave would be regarded as a mere animal existence by modern man. Happiness today would mean not only freedom from want and drudgery but also the positive feelings generated by a civilized existence in a comfortable and secure home embellished by varied means of technology. This technological advancement during the last two thousand years has increased man’s opportunities for happy life enormously.

As in the present times we have come to a stage that technology has become indispensable. I would elaborate it with my personal experience. Once I had gone on outing with my friend. Unfortunately the battery of my phone died and my friend didn’t had mobile phone. It was a heck of a struggle to go back home as we were not able to communicate with our parents. At that moment I realized the importance of this device and the technology which could have decided my future.

Technology is the most useful family member in our life. It always stays with us either in happiness or sadness, even in or toughest or lowest times. The modern gadgets or gizmos are being introduced almost every day to make our lives simple. It is indeed a boon and a blessing if used for the benefit of mankind and for constructive purposes unless it becomes a tool in the hand of a few selfish and evil-minded people. As “Necessity is the Mother of Invention”, Technology has come to our rescue in many fields as any family member comes to the rescue of others during times of adversity and problems. We have become so used to the technology that it has become impossible to survive without it.

As a family system ,the Technology has lessened the burdens of housework. It acts as a safety net when financial difficulties, accidents or calamities arise. The family as a single unit shares the load together till the storm of difficulties gets over. Technology helps us in providing the emotional support as it is always there to give patient hearing to the problems of all members. Technology has helped man to rise from the lowest position of a caveman to the highest position of a spaceman. It has conquered time and space and has tamed all the forces of nature. But all this technological advancements have to be controlled as any senior member of family controls the other family members to maintain the harmony and integrity of the family .

Our new family member is evolving itself and I presume in near future it is going to become the new “RELIGION” of mankind. It will dictate, direct and ordinate our emotions and feelings to oneself and to others. Technology itself doesn’t Breath but we as a human also cannot Breath without Technology. As a member of family,Technology should be moulded with the basic family values and taking into considerations of political, religious and moral beliefs inclusive of the geography, culture and socioeconomic circumstances. We need to nurture our new family member with care and compassion and make sure “We use the Technology and not get used by Technology “

By: Ibrahim Siddiqui

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